Hunter and Katie

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requested by shawn_mendes_loverr
In this imagine....
-you guys are older
-getting married

Katie's POV

My dad and I walked down the isle. Our wedding. Our love. Our life. We reached the end. Dad kissed my cheek and sat down. Hunter took my hands and the ceremony started. It was time to recite the vows. I didn't prepare anything but I knew what I wanted to say.

"On this day, I give you my heart, my promise, that I will walk with you, hand in hand, wherever our journey leads us, living, learning, loving, together forever. From the first ever broadcast I watched to our first date, I knew you were the one I wanted to share the rest of my life with. Your beauty, heart and mind inspire me to be the best person I can be. I promise to love you for eternity, respecting you, honoring you, being faithful to you and sharing my life with you. I vow to help you create a life that we can cherish, inspiring your love for me and mine for you. These things I pledge to you today, and all the days of your life together" I wiped my cheek from the tears. Hunter took a deep breath and started talking

Hunter's POV

I took a deep breath and started

"Today I take you to be my wife. You are the most beautiful, smart and generous person I have ever known and I promise always to respect you and love you. As I stand by your side, it is with knowledge that our lives together will realize the promises that we make today and it is to this future that I humbly submit. I ask everyone present to witness that I take you as my partner in marriage. I promise to respect you as a whole person with your own interests, desires and needs and to realize that those are sometimes different but no less important than my own. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and also when times become difficult, when our love is simple and when things become complicated. All that I have, All that I am, All that I will ever be, Is yours. Forever"

We both had tears streaming down our faces and I could see a few people wiping their faces. The ceremony began again.

The priest started
"Katie Mae Rice, do you take Hunter Bryce Rowland to bee your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do" she slipped the ring on my finger

"and do you Hunter Bryce Rowland take Katie Mae Rice to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do" I slipped the ring onto her finger

"By the power vested in me by the state of Arizona, I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" I smiled, grabbed her face and kissed her. Everyone was clapping and whistling. It was perfect

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