Bryce and Jenna

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requested by jm09xo
Based on a true story

Jenna's POV

I got bullied by these 3 guys from the Marching Band names Gabe, Reed and Cody. They call me Satan, ugly and say nobody likes me. It hurts so much. But there is this one guy I had a massive crush on, the one and only Bryce Hall. Every time I look at him I got butterflies.

I walked into History class, my least and most favorite class because Gabe, Reed, Cody and Bryce are all in this class. I sat down in my seat and I could hear them (not bryce) talking about me. I heard everything they were saying at I don't understand why they bullied me, I didn't do anything to them.

I could feel my eyes sting with tears, I started packing up my things and ran into the hallway passing Mrs Hewitt, my teacher. I ran to the other side of the school to my locker and cried. I slid down the wall and buried my head in my hands and knees. I was crying for 5 mins before I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and a voice asking "What happened? Are you okay?". I started shaking my head no. I started to sob even more, if that was possible. "Gabe, Reed and Cody are saying stuff about me and I can't do it anymore" I said barley audible because I was crying. The person grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into their chest, I then realized who it was, Bryce. He held me for what felt like hours but was only 10 mins, Mrs Hewitt came out and saw us, I was still sobbing into Bryce's chest. We both looked at her but he pulled me in tighter. 
"I think you kids need to go home" Mrs Hewitt said calmly with a slight smile on her face.

We both got our bags and headed home. Bryce lived 2 doors down so we both went to my house because no one was home. For the rest of the day we watched Netflix, ate food and he might of kissed me ;) 


"and that's how I met your father" I said to my 6 yr old daughter

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