Brandon and Jenna

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requested by jm09xo

It was a beautiful summer evening. The sun was just beginning to set and there was a light breeze. The temperature outside had cooled down to a comfortable degree, not too hot or too cold. You sat outside, taking in the setting around you. Birds were chirping, children were playing. The serene environment around you was extremely relaxing.

Suddenly your phone buzzed on your lap, pulling you out of your trance. Your heart jumped when you read the name on the screen.

It was Brandon.

You and Brandon have been best friends for a few years, ever since you met in elementary school. But it was a few months ago when you began to develop feelings for him. This scared you, a lot. You wanted to come out and tell him, but at the same time you didn't want to jeopardize your close friendship. In the end, you decided it would be best to keep these foreign feelings to yourself.

You open the text message, your heart fluttering.

'Hey, Jenna! Come to the park, I miss u :('

You jokingly rolled your eyes, smiling to yourself. 'What a dork,' you thought. You quickly texted him back and began walking in the direction of the park. Brandon and you always meet up at the park in your neighborhood. It was a close distance between both of your houses and the perfect place to hang out. It was often deserted, which you both loved. You could do whatever you wanted without the questioning stares of strangers around you.

You were suddenly excited, being around him always put you in a good mood. A smile was painted on your face the second you received his message. As you neared the park, you could see his outline in the near distance. A basketball was being dribbled in his hands, his back turned towards you. The sound of the grass crunching under your feet was enough to get his attention. Brandon turned around, his face lighting up.

"Jenna!" He shouted, coming towards you with his arms spread open. He wrapped you into a hug, his arms tightly around your waist. You giggled, your head resting on his chest. You ignored the fast beating of you heart.

"Hey." You smiled up at him. You both stepped away from each other.

"So I've been thinking," Brandon began before turning around, walking back towards the basketball court.

"About?" You took the opportunity to study him while he wasn't paying attention. He was wearing a dark blue hoodie, basketball shorts, and sneakers. You would never understand how he could dress so casually and pull it off so well.

"You," A blush spread across your cheeks as he turned to look at you, "I have an idea,"

An almost cocky grin spread over his features as he walked towards you. "What's your idea?" You knew that you looked nervous, no matter how hard you tried to hide it. You never knew what to expect with him.

"I want you to play me in a game of basketball," he dribbled the ball once before continuing, "If I win, I get whatever I want from you. If you win, you get whatever you want from me. Get it?"

"Okay..." You were slightly confused, but excited at the same time. Brandon seemed like he was up to something, and that made you nervous.

"So, Jenna, is there anything in particular that you wanted? Be creative." The smirk never left his face as he took multiple steps towards you, now only a few feet away. You knew exactly what you wanted, but there was no way in hell you were going to ask.

"You have to come to work with me for two weeks." You weren't very satisfied with your answer, but it was the only thing you could think of off of the top of your head. Plus, you did get lonely at work.

"Okay, well...I get to kiss you."

Your heart nearly stopped. What? There was no way he was being serious. If you weren't blushing before, you definitely were now. You could barely think straight as Brandon looked at you, waiting for your reaction.

"Y-You what?" Your eyes were wide, gaping at him.

The smile never left his face. "You heard me, princess. Come on." he began to walk away. Your heart continued to pound. You were okay at basketball, but no where as near as good as Brandon. There was no way you would win.

And you didn't.

15 minutes passed and the game was over, you had lost by a decent number of points.

"Oh come on, don't look so disappointed." He spoke, dropping the basketball. You fumbled with your fingers, trying your hardest to avoid eye contact.

"I'm not, i-it's just-" You couldn't think of what to say.

"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to do this if you don't want to, you know? I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." His cocky demeanor quickly disappeared, concern masking his face instead.

"No, Brandon, it's okay, really. It's just...I've never kissed anyone before." You mumbled under your breath, looking at the ground.

Yes. You were 13 years old and have never kissed a boy in your entire life.

Brandon walked closer to you, placing a finger under your chin and tilting your head up, forcing you to make eye contact. You hoped that he couldn't see the blush on your cheeks in the dark of the night.

"That's nothing to be embarrassed about. Just relax, okay? It's only me. You don't have to be nervous." His hand moved from your chin to your cheek, rubbing your face with his thumb. You placed your hands on his chest, gripping his hoodie lightly between your fingers.

"And plus, I'm honored to be your first kiss." He smiled.


Your close proximity made you nervous. Was this really about to happen? Was your best friend, the boy you like, about to kiss you? You couldn't help but overthink the situation. You may have been over reacting. It was just a kiss, right?

He began to lean in, pressing his forehead to yours. He puts his one hand around your waist, pulling your bodies closer together. His nose nudges yours and his eyes begin to flutter shut, yours soon following. A few moments later his lips are pressed against yours.

You barely tense, enough for him to notice. He slightly pulls away, his lips still brushing yours.

"It's okay, don't be nervous." He mutters before kissing you once again. You finally relax into his touch, reciprocating the kiss. You can feel his heart pounding almost as fast as yours. Your hands move off of his chest and to his neck, your fingers tangling in his hair. The nervous feeling in your chest quickly disappeared as you slowly became more comfortable. Brandon grips your hips tighter, pulling you as close to him as possible. You never wanted this moment to end.

A quiet groan escapes his mouth as he presses his lips harder against yours. The only thing that can be heard is the sound of your lips connecting. You swore that if you listened close enough, you could hear your heart pounding through your chest. A few moments later, Brandon pulled away.

He nervously looked at you, trying to gauge your reaction. "Was that okay?" He asked, his hand still cupping your cheek.

You couldn't stop the smile that grew on your face.

"It was perfect."

A wide grin covered his face as he looked down at you. Before you knew it, his lips were pressed to yours for the second time. You giggled, leaning into his touch.

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