Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Sitting on a bus with other kids to ride to school did not, in anyway, feel natural. I was constantly looking round, so fearful off everyone's judgemental gaze.

I was sat beside Meghan, her friends sat on the seats in front and behind us. It felt reassuring to have them around. Almost like being enclosed. But it wasn't enough. I was still nervous that the name calling would start at any given point. Meghan and I had agreed to keep my sexuality a secret between us. I knew I wouldn't find a guy at the school who would catch my attention. My heart was set on the guy who worked in Froyo. The same guy who went to my previous school, and was a part of my choir. He always had the lead. Naturally of course, he was an angel.

"So Joey," one of Meghan's friends chirped up from the seat in front of us. She had a panda on her sweater. How sweet. "Have you seen any girls you like yet?"

"Oh my gosh Ingrid, he's only just got on the bus! He hasn't even started classes yet!" Meghan had my back.

The bus slowly stopped. A group of guys came on and headed towards the back of the bus. From all the stereotypical high school movies I'd seen, cool kids sit at the back of the bus. Therefore, these must be the cool kids.

Meghan leant over to me and whispered "See that kid with the quiff similar to yours? The gorgeous muscly one with tank top? That's Sawyer. If you don't want your face reconstructed, stay away from him." She warned. I turned to look at him. She was right. He was pretty cute.

She leant over again, "and the kid in the red jacket to his left, with the oddly shaped bowl kinda cut? That's Sam. I think he's slept with every girl in the school. He transferred from London. So did the kid with the dreads. He's called Louis." I studied them all carefully. They looked like the type of kids that'll cause trouble in class. I didn't want to deal with them. I just wanted to graduate and get out.

The bus continued to drive for a little longer, all the while having Meghan's friends pester me about my last school, my home life, girls, and of course, boys. I tried so hard to be a part of the conversations they had, but it was kinda hard when I had no idea who they were talking about for the majority of the time.

I let my mind wonder a little and didn't even notice the bus had stopped. It wasn't until I heard the boys at the back start shouting that I was pulled back to reality.

"FAGGOT!" One of them shouted. My heart stopped and fell into my stomach. I hadn't even been on school grounds yet, and already the name calling had begun.

I was sure Meghan had noticed my unease. She whispered "not you" gently. I looked behind me and saw she wasn't lying. They were hurling their abuse at a boy sitting at the front. I couldn't see his face. I could only see his head hanging down as he tried to ignore them. His straightened brown hair fell to cover most of his face. I felt bad for him. I knew how this feels. But I didn't understand why they were doing this to him? He wasn't causing any trouble?

"Meghan, who is that kid?" I asked her. She knew exactly who I was talking about.

"His names Shane. And he's really weird." She spoke quietly, as if afraid he would hear.

"Yeah he spends most of his time with the councillor. I heard that they have sex every 'session' they have together!" Meghan's friend said. I don't remember her name.

"No Cat, it's not the councillor he's sleeping with, he sucks the drama teachers dick! Get the facts right!" Ingrid protested. She spoke loudly. I was nervous he would be able to hear us. My eyes flicked over towards him. Our gaze met for a matter of seconds, then I quickly turned back to Meghan.

Ingrid and Cat were loudly arguing over which teacher he was apparently getting dirty with. He doesn't look like the kid of kid to do that? If anything, it was more likely that Sawyer guy to do it?

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