Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

~Joey's POV~

I held my head in my hands as I sat waiting for Sawyer to return. His room smelt like cologne. It was a manly kinda smell. But it wasn't Shane's.

It had been almost 2 months since becoming friends with Sawyer. It's been fun having him around us so much. He tells funny jokes and always keeps us entertained.

It had also been almost 2 months since Shane and I last kissed. He just seemed to be avoiding it. I wasn't sure if I could take much more of it. Life felt right when I kissed him.

As I sat holding my head in my hands, and holding my feelings inside, I felt a hand on my shoulder. My face shot up in surprise. Sawyer was standing over me, looking concerned.

"You okay?" He said, sounding sympathetic as he crouched down in front of me, resting a hand on my knee. It was comforting.

"I feel like Shane's not interested anymore" I said, holding my head again. I tried to contain my emotions. But I couldn't. I just cried. Hard.

"Oh, Joey. It's okay" Sawyer soothed, getting up and setting himself down beside me. I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders.

"No. It's not, Sawyer" I whined, feeling sorry for myself. "He hasn't spoken to me in 3 days. I haven't seen him in 4 days. We haven't kissed in 2 months!"

I felt Sawyer's other arm wrap around me, too. I couldn't resist it with way I was feeling. I threw my arms around him in return. Sobbing into his shoulder.

"I'm sure there's a reason for it" he said, rubbing my back with one hand, the other stroking the back of my head.

"Yeah. He isn't interested" I sobbed, not leaving his shoulder.

"He loves you, Joey" he chuckled gently. At least one of us found the hilarity in my heartache.

"He does?" I pulled back from him. My arms still around his neck, his still around my waist and top of my back.

"He does. Very much. He loves everything about you. He told me last week. He loves your eyes, your hair. Your laugh and your smile. He loves the way you hold him and the way you cuddle up to him. There's nothing about you he does love, Joey." And with that, I stared at him. Right into his blue eyes, glistening back into mine. I couldn't stop myself. The things he said. The things I miss. I leant forward slightly, pushing my lips onto his.

I kissed him softly. Taking in the softness of his lips against mine. I knew it was wrong. I knew it was going against what Shane and I am. But I needed it. The feeling of someone against me. The comfort was what I craved.

He pulled me closer to him. His hands sliding up my back, tangling in my hair. He kissed me back, passionately. My fingers twisted into the bottom of his hair line.

I gasped as I felt his tongue against my lower lip. Without even thinking, I opened my lips, still against his. Our tongues met, gently pressing against each other.


I pulled myself back from Sawyer's lips and looked in the door way, panic stricken. Sawyer's ginger haired dad stood in the doorway, he too looked panicked. But for an entirely different reason.

"What the fuck do you want, Mitch?" Sawyer said, rather annoyed. He slowly slipped his arms away from me and stood up facing his father.

"Sawyer, don't give me your shit tonight, okay?" He urged him. I wasn't sure why he held such a grudge against his dad. Mitch seemed like a wonderful father. He did look worried though.

"Why?" Sawyer said, walking up to him. An evil looking smirk appeared on his face as he cracked his knuckles. I wondered how many times he would beat his parents the way he beat Shane.

"Sawyer, for gods sake!" Mitch yelled, grabbing Sawyer's fists and holding them down. He looked straight into his sons eyes. "Shane's in the hospital!"

And just like that, my whole world came crashing down.

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