Chapter 2

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As the kit struggled for words, the large cat continued.

"This is our territory, and that makes you an intruder." He snarled.

"Oh, let her go." A white she-cat sighed, emerging from the bushes. "It's just a kit."

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean any harm..." The kit began.

"Kit or not, she does not belong on our territory." The black cat snarled. "I say we chase her out now, and give her a good scratch to help her remember what borders mean."

"Blackclaw!" The she-cat exclaimed with surprise. "This kit isn't even a moon old! She has likely already been frightened enough to ward her off for a while!"

The kit cowered in the back of the tree-cave.

"Do you have a mother?" The she-cat asked nicely.

Not anymore. The kit shook her head.

"Do you have someone to take care of you?" The cat persisted. "You know, that feeds you and keeps you warm?"

Again, the kit shook her head.

"No twolegs, clan, cat, friend, or other animal?" She continued.

What's a twoleg? She wondered. Once again, the kit shook her head. What's a clan?

"Then how did you get here?" The white cat asked.

   The kit opened her mouth to reply, but in memory of the field, froze in terror and began to cry

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The kit opened her mouth to reply, but in memory of the field, froze in terror and began to cry. "Badger!" Was all she could squeak out through the mortal terror that pulsed through her body, as if she were cornered by a pair of those horrible animals.

The she-cat sat thoughtfully for a while, and Blackclaw glared menacingly. The kit felt disturbed that the she-cat continued to give her a pitying look, but the kit held her tongue. Finally, the she-cat stood back up and took a deep breath.

"We can't just leave her here." She announced confidently. "We'll at least give her a night or two of warmth and food. She'll no doubt starve without it."

The black cat spun around at her. "This kit is no business of ours, much less our responsibility." Blackclaw protested. "She can take care of herself. We can make her leave our territory, and then that can resolve the issue."

"We would be no better than Shadowclan if we did that." She replied, looking a bit taken aback at her clanmate. "What kind of monster would leave a kit to die alone in the forest? If we don't help her, she'll starve, or become a meal for a badger."

"Alright, but really, Snowfoot, even if we took her, what would we do with her?" Blackclaw noted. "For all we know, this is a kittypet. You know what happened last time a kittypet was welcomed into the clans."

"Firestar was a very successful warrior." Snowfoot said.

"You and I both know that Firestar's era is long gone. You know which kittypet I'm talking about. We should leave this kit here. We can't risk another possible kittypet."

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