Chapter 29

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Silverpaw had no time to go the way she had come, and decided to cut straight through Windclan territory. To her dismay, as she passed the Windclan camp, she could only smell the elders and kits left behind, as if all of the warriors, a full fighting force, were waiting at Tallrocks with Speedstar. She pushed on harder. She ran with more speed, and more exhaustion, trying to reach Tallrocks on time.

Along the Windclan border, over the Treebridge, through Riverclan Territory, and straight on the Tallrocks. The sun was just bringing its first rays of light through the sky, and the redness of the sunrise looked like blood. When she came up on Tallrocks, she crept past a gap in the attack formation circled by non-Thunderclan warriors, undetected and unnoticed. There were no other cats from her clan in the clearing except Oakstar. She could hear Thistlestar talking.

"Oakstar, you and your warriors have threatened my clan far too many times. Soon, you'll threaten the others too." Thistlestar jumped down from the rocks. "And we don't want that."

An angry Oakstar jumped down after him. "I thought we were here to talk peace, not lies!" He exclaimed.

"Peace?" Thistlestar said, laughing. "Who makes a peace talk without a truce?"

"Oakstar, it's a trap!" Silverpaw yowled, running into the clearing. A moment later, behind her was the whole of Shadowclan, Riverclan, and Windclan. A Shadowclan warrior lunged at Oakstar's neck, and Silverpaw kicked him out of the way as she stood between Oakstar and his attackers.

"Oakstar, get up on the rocks!" She yowled. "Back up! Firestar says you can't hold back for the safety of the clan!"

They ran to the top of Tallrocks, where they could see all three clans glaring menacingly at them.

"Everyone, go to the Thunderclan camp, except the deputies and leaders." Thistlestar ordered. All of the cats in the clearing left in the direction of the unsuspecting Thunderclan camp, except for Swiftstar and Streamtail, Speedstar and Breezetail, and Thistlestar and Darkpelt.

"Such a pity you'll have to die this way." Thistlestar said to Oakstar. "But I suggest we take him captive. I want to see this."

Speedstar and Swiftstar looked at him uneasily. They had no idea that this was the Shadowclan leader's big plan; to corner a fellow leader and murder him. They began to doubt Thistlestar's perspective.

Finally, Speedstar spoke up. "Take him captive?" He asked. "To kill him in cold blood? He's already captive enough!"

"What do you want to do then?" Thistlestar snapped. "It's what Thunderclan deserves."

"No cat deserves to die like that." Swiftstar argued. "I and my clan will continue an attack on Thunderclan, but not an unfair killing of a clan Leader."

"How about an apprentice?" Thistlestar spat. Silverpaw looked to the ground. Darkpelt joined in.

"The apprentice shouldn't be killed." Darkpelt spat. "I think she should be starved to death covered in scars, thrown in a dark hole for days on end." Silverpaw swallowed. What are you, a Blackhead infected fox?!

"We can't even kill her in cold blood, or we would be just as low, no matter how much she deserves to die." Speedstar noted. Silverpaw looked around at each of the cats in turn. All but Thistlestar and Darkpelt appeared to agree with Speedstar.

Swiftstar nodded in agreement. "They're Thunderclan. They'll rejoin their clanmates later. Kill them then, if you're dishonorable enough to kill them at all."

And with that, Swiftstar and Streamtail vanished into the undergrowth. Speedstar looked to Thistlestar, to the undergrowth, and back again. Then, he stood up and flicked his tail to indicate Breezetail should follow him as he left Tallrocks.

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