Chapter 22

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When Silverpaw returned to the camp at sunhigh, she had caught two pigeons, a squirrel, two mice, and two voles; an amazing catch for only one morning.

She spotted Goldenrock across the clearing and padded over to her. She thought for one moment that she could feel Mooncloud's glare on her, but she couldn't tell if she was just imagining it or not.

"Today, I've assigned you Redfur." Goldenrock replied. "He got the hang of double-fighting real fast."

"Thanks." Silverpaw said. At least it wasn't Blackclaw. "Is it tricky?" She asked.

"Double-fighting? If you can keep on your toes." The old cat said. "I think you of all cats would be able to handle it."

Silverpaw licked her chest fur, surprised at hearing such praise from the clan deputy. "Thank you." Silverpaw said, dipping her head, and padded out of camp to the usual training place by Sunstones to wait for Redfur to show up. The sun shone brightly, and it was a beautiful day, as if Starclan itself was declaring that nothing could go wrong.

It wasn't more than a moment after she arrived that Redfur emerged from the trees with Stormpaw.

"Double-fighting today, then?" Redfur said. "Let's get started."

Redfur taught the apprentices the tricks and moves of fighting two cats at once. Overall, Silverpaw seemed to think it made sense. You always needed to be on your toes, and you can't cling to one cat, or the other one might shred you while you're focused on the single opponent.

You have to go back and forth between your attackers. Sometimes, if you're rather nimble, as a last resort and if necessary, it helps to make one cat angry, to make their blows unfocused, but harder, so they take longer for the attacker to recover their balance from.

Redfur demonstrated by having Silverpaw and Stormpaw attack him. It wasn't long before Redfur defeated Stormpaw. The warrior simply pinned him and put his nose to the apprentice's throat, and said; "Sorry, you're dead."

Silverpaw used the technique she used with Darkpelt. Dodge, dash, and swipe. Redfur eventually got tired of chasing his tail and finally said; "Alright, that's enough."

Silverpaw, exhausted, fell on her back trying to catch her breath. "Now, that is the perfect example of how to use your opponent's size against them." Redfur said. He wasn't panting as hard as Silverpaw. "But, it is only useful when fighting a cat much bigger than you, and only during a short battle. It tires you out very fast, so only use it in situations like what we just had."

Silverpaw was finally able to stand back up, and glowed with pride in Redfur's praise. "Thanks." She said, still panting.

"The problem is, you are smaller cats, because you aren't fully grown, and it is likely you may have to battle two or three cats that are twice your size." Redfur warned. "You will need to learn these moves quickly."

Silverpaw and Stormpaw nodded, and Scarpaw, who had only watched the whole time, scoffed. "It's not me the clans are mad at. Just give them Snowfoot and Silverpaw, and they'll leave me alone."

Truly, Silverpaw wasn't surprised by the comment, and ignored him rather than was offended b him,, but Redfur was not used to hearing such things, and exclaimed, "Scarpaw! That's a horrible thing to say! A clanmate's life is as precious as your own. Would you prefer to be abandoned by your clan if you accidentally caused a battle?"

Silverpaw winced at Redfur's reply. She was used to hearing something hurtful from Scarpaw, and coming from a warrior clanmate other than Blackclaw or Mooncloud, even though he'd only let it slip by accident, made her sting like a claw to the muzzle.

"I wouldn't have caused a battle in the first place!" Scarpaw yowled. "I have more sense than a newborn kit, and if this kittypet and her killer mentor want to destroy Thunderclan with their carelessness, it's not my fault, and I shouldn't have to deal with it! It should be Silverpaw doing all this work! She caused all of this! I have to work all day, and I didn't do anything to deserve it! I say we throw them out and get on with our lives."

Silverpaw looked to the ground and leaned against Stormpaw. The reason this hurt was because she half believed it. "Silverpaw, it's not your fault." Redfur said. "It's Shadowclan's. And Scarpaw, go back to camp this instant!"

But Scarpaw didn't want to stop. "We all know we would've been better off without you! You're just a repeat of Burn! You, a kittypet, intruded into Thunderclan with the only intention of killing and destroying everything you can get your paws on!

"You've tried to kill before. You've condemned your clanmates, starting this war! Pretty soon, you won't have to destroy Thunderclan if you can make the other clans do it for you! Thunderclan would still be thriving if you hadn't stumbled upon that stupid hollow tree as a useless blundering kit!"

"Scarpaw, apologize at once!" Redfur tried to interrupt.

But Scarpaw continued. "It's all because you're a kittypet. If you weren't a kittypet, it would be a whole different story! But you can't prove you're not a kittypet! Or maybe you can, and you just don't want your clanmates to hear the truth about you, or else they'd throw you out. Or kill you. We all know they'd kill you happily if they truly knew what you were!"

"I'm not a kittypet!" Silverpaw cried.

"Prove it!" He yowled back.

"'Cause I'm not a kittypet!" Silverpaw cried again.

"How do you know?" Scarpaw challenged.

"Because I'm just...not!" She exclaimed.

"Ha! See? She can't prove it! That puts her into the default; kittypet. In fact, that means..."Scarpaw lunged at her, still yowling. "If a kittypet is found on Thunderclan territory, they are to be caught and killed!" He pretended to claw at her savagely, claws well-extended.

Silverpaw refused to fight back, and tried to run, but in her fright, she ran into a bramble bush.

Scarpaw had her cornered, and Scarpaw, realizing that, began shredding his claws against her. She screeched in pain, and tried to push him away or fend him off, but her fur was caught tightly in the bramble bush. Stormpaw jumped on Scarpaw and began to claw his spine ferociously. Silverpaw glanced down at her belly, to find it was bleeding heavily. She heaved herself out of the bush, ripping some of her fur off and leaving it in the brambles. She collapsed to the ground clutching her stomach.

Scarpaw had broken away from Stormpaw to face her again. She didn't want to fight a clanmate again, and turned and ran. Scarpaw chased after her. She went as fast as she could, not knowing exactly where she was going, and eventually, the thundering paw steps behind her faded as Scarpaw gave up the chase.

Why do these things always have to happen at training sessions? She thought as she cried and fled.

By the time she came to a halt, she was in front of the tree she had been in when Snowfoot first found her.  

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