Chapter 19

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Each day for the entire moon was pretty much the same. Silverpaw woke up at daybreak, hunted all morning with no early meal, came back to camp at sunhigh to eat for the first time in the day, and went straight back out hunting, but usually she could hunt with Stormpaw in the afternoons.

When the fresh-kill pile looked full, they would go to apprentice training. Usually, Blackclaw was their trainer. For one delightful afternoon, Snowfoot oversaw them, and that day, Silverpaw advanced farther than she ever had before in all her past training sessions.

Scarpaw had complained to Goldenrock that Snowfoot had shown favoritism towards her apprentice and Stormpaw, and that besides, if word got out they were being battle-trained by Snowfoot, things could get worse. Goldenrock listened to the second part of Scarpaw's complaint, but gave him this look through the first part that said she wasn't buying it. It wasn't really favoritism...Scarpaw was just not used to being...wrong...

On the off-chance they weren't being trained by Scarpaw's mentor Blackclaw, or Silverpaw's mentor Snowfoot, it was Stormpaw's mentor, Mousepelt.

Mousepelt didn't value one apprentice over the other, but was a bit irritated by Scarpaw's frequent comments, and wouldn't put up with anything from him.

"Silverpaw, you fight like a kittypet!"

"Scarpaw, that's enough." Mousepelt silenced. "No clanmate is to call another such a thing."

"She fights like a fat, overfed kittypet, she can't even get the right hit in!" Scarpaw whined, ignoring what Mousepelt said. "It's just bothersome to watch! If I were her, fighting Darkpelt, I'd have ripped his fur off! But then again, I wouldn't have endangered the clan by starting that fight."

"Scarpaw, should I hear another comment from you, I'll have you as Mooncloud's assistant for the next quarter-moon, is that understood?" Mousepelt snapped.

"Oh yes, Mousepelt, but I am concerned that Silverpaw cannot protect any cat in her clan with the moves she has." Scarpaw riled.

But then the mentor smiled. "You know Scarpaw, you're right." Mousepelt said. Silverpaw felt a bit...okay, very...offended, and Scarpaw gave her a victorious look.

"I think Silverpaw should receive her own private training, because she has obviously gotten nowhere with the moves Blackclaw is teaching her. Maybe I should help her on her own." Mousepelt said, meaning every word of it.

Scarpaw looked outraged. "But we don't have enough warriors for that!" He protested, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Sadly, you are right." Mousepelt said. "So, until I can spare the time to arrange things with Goldenrock, she can fight you as an opponent."

"Me?" Scarpaw exclaimed. "But she's a kittypet!"

"If she is, than you should have no problem with her." She replied. "Besides, I heard Blackclaw thinks you are the most advanced of the three apprentices. Today I will test that theory."

Scarpaw glared at her, and took up fighting positions across the clearing from Silverpaw.

"Scarpaw, you can make the first move." Mousepelt offered.

Scarpaw didn't hesitate before lunging at Silverpaw, who took a simple step to the side, and Scarpaw tumbled in the dirt behind her. Then, in order to not slide this time, Scarpaw ran at her. She tripped up his paws, and he went sprawling back to his side of the training clearing. Scarpaw, feeling a bit humiliated, ran at Silverpaw only to fake one way and hop the other. Silverpaw jumped straight into the air, and landed on him with a thud.

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