Chapter 15

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Swiftstar, the Riverclan leader, yowled for the gathering to begin. Silverpaw said goodbye to her new friend, and ran back over to Snowfoot.

"Starclan has granted Riverclan a prosperous moon." Swiftstar announced, starting the gathering. "The fish have started swimming again, and our kits are young and healthy. We have two new apprentices, Barkpaw and Leafpaw." At the mention of their name, two small Windclan cats sat up proudly.

Swiftstar dipped his head to the Windclan leader, Speedstar, who then began his update. "Like Riverclan, prey is plentiful, the rabbits are in season. We have full bellies and fresh wind, but have scented fox near the Treebridge, so we advise Riverclan to keep a sharp eye out." Swiftstar nodded his thanks, and Thistlestar began.

"We are sad to say that Thornstar has joined Starclan, and may he find peace there. We too, have a new kit, Owlkit, and have found a moon full of prey. Such prey, Thunderclan deems worthy of investigation, because we found two Thunderclan intruders, likely prey-stealers and spies." Thistlestar spun around and glared at Oakstar, challenging him.

Oakstar looked stunned. Thistlestar kept on rambling on about the intruders.

"I, myself, was attacked by one of them, and my deputy, Darkpelt, was attacked by the other. Both used moves used to kill. I would like to ask Oakstar exactly why he wanted to spy on us and kill the leader and deputy, especially just before I received my nine lives." Thistlestar turned to Oakstar.

"I myself have reviewed the scene." Oakstar said trying to calm down. "In fact, neither were spies. One was a mentor; one was a six-moon old apprentice that decided to walk on the Empty Stream, without even crossing the scentline. Shadowclan, Starclan knows why, attacked them anyway." Oakstar got a glint in his eyes, as he thought of a few comebacks. "The apprentice has not been trained long enough to learn any offensive moves, are you suggesting otherwise?"

"That's just what you want them to think." Thistlestar said. The cats gathered in the clearing seemed slightly surprised by the outburst, but began to murmur amongst themselves. "How dare you train your apprentices to kill?!" He said, raising his voice. Then, he suddenly lowered it, turning to Oakstar, and looking him straight in the eyes.

"You are testifying a mere warrior against a clan leader and deputy. You cannot win, Oakstar." Thistlestar muttered to him, only loud enough for him and the Thunderclan cats nearby to hear. Oakstar looked outraged.

To Silverpaw's dismay, Windclan and Riverclan seemed to be agreeing with Thistlestar. Meanwhile, Thunderclan subtly pushed Snowfoot and Silverpaw to the center of their huddle for protection.

Thistlestar turned his back to Oakstar, and continued speaking. "We cannot have such a clan that dishonors the warrior code, disowns Starclan, and kills innocent cats! If we let a few killers go, by not doing anything, it will spread! Entire clans could be consumed by hunger for blood! And the ones that don't join their side, they would wipe them off of existence without hesitation!" By now, Thistlestar was done yelling at Thunderclan. He was rallying the crowd.

"I will give you one chance, Oakstar. Apologize for such an outrageous border ambush, and we might reconsider your options." Thistlestar snarled, turning back to the Thunderclan leader.

"Thunderclan has no reason to apologize!" Oakstar yowled. "My clan did no wrong, and yet here you stand, accusing them of what they did and didn't do! So no, I will not 'apologize' for the 'outrageous border ambush,' and I will not stand for whatever injustice you are trying to set!"

Thistlestar, who'd probably expected an answer of the such, yowled back. "I gave you the chance to admit what you did to Starclan, so that they may judge you, and yet you refuse my offer!"

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