Chapter 21

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The only routine change that came was that Blackclaw no longer did the training sessions, but Mousepelt couldn't do them either, simply because of the injuries that occurred under her watch.

By the time of the next gathering came around, Silverpaw was exhausted. She felt too tired to go to a gathering, but was interested to see what would be said, though she knew it would only be bad if she showed herself to the other clans.

"Silverpaw, for your own safety, you cannot attend the gathering. The other clans are rather hostile toward you, and specifically Snowfoot, and we don't want to stir up trouble." Oakstar said. "It's past sunset, and we need to get moving."

Silverpaw was still a little disappointed, but she knew it was too dangerous to go, and she might be able to get some sleep while she was at camp. She would've gone out with Stormpaw, but he looked just as tired.

Silently, Oakstar and his group left the camp smaller than usual. Everyone was tired with their patrols, and he could only take so many. Silverpaw nodded to each as they passed. Oakstar, Goldenrock, Mooncloud (who ignored her), Grayfoot, Dawntail, Bramblestem, and Smallwhisker.

Silverpaw went to her den and settled into her nest, but for some reason, sleep would not come, no matter how tired she was. She couldn't stop worrying about what she had gotten her clan into. If only she had just made sure that back when she was patrolling the Empty Stream, she had gotten up on the Thunderclan side, all of Thunderclan's current problems wouldn't even exist.

Silverpaw lay in her nest awake until moonhigh, guilt gnawing at her inside. She glanced hopefully at Stormpaw, but he was sleeping as soundly as ever.

Finally, she padded out into the moonlight and looked at the stars. She thought of the looks every clan gave her at the end of the last gathering. Did even Starclan hate her? No, they knew her intentions were good. They gave her a prophecy...that she...thought was probably good...

That's it! She suddenly thought. Maybe I can talk to Starclan!

But no. She thought sadly. She had visited Starclan by accident, and a near-death experience. She didn't want to have to go through all of that pain again.

But wait, Silverpaw wondered, I think Stormpaw once mentioned a place where the Leaders and Medicine cats can talk directly to Starclan! She began to get excited. Where is it?

Oakstar would know. She decided. I'll ask him after they get back from the gathering.

Silverpaw waited in the clearing for Oakstar to arrive back to camp. She hoped it went well. Maybe the threat of battle was lifted, and she could get back to a normal life. Maybe she wouldn't even have to go talk to Starclan. Then, Scarpaw wouldn't even have anything to taunt her about. But I would still have other problems. She thought sadly as she glanced at the medicine den.

But, when they returned, their sullen faces discouraged her from speaking. The warriors stomped back in rage, the elders looked a bit frightened, and Mooncloud gave her a glare of This. is all. your. fault.

"What happened?" She asked timidly.

"Riverclan and Windclan happened." Goldenrock spat, and Oakstar padded silently, wordlessly, hopelessly, to his den. "They've sided with Shadowclan apparently."

"What?" Silverpaw exclaimed. "Are you sure?"

"Couldn't be more sure if Starclan themselves came down to tell us." Grayfoot yowled. "Shadowclan started ratting on us again, and this time, Riverclan helped. They even dared to call us rogues, and murderers! The whole time, Windclan just kept agreeing with anything that was said against us, and giving us angry stares."

Silverpaw groaned in dismay. Her clan couldn't afford to make so many enemies! What if Scarpaw and Mooncloud were right, and this was all her fault? No, there was no question about it. It was all her fault. She then remembered her question for Oakstar.

"Oakstar!" She called, running into his den. "I...I need to talk to Starclan."

The look Oakstar gave her said; 'What? I must've heard you wrong...'

"I know this sounds weird." She admitted. "But I've talked to Firestar before. He's very wise, and might know what to do about Shadowclan! And now, apparently the other clans too."

Oakstar sighed, and yawned. "Silverpaw," He said, "If Starclan wants to tell us something, they can send me a dream. Besides, we can't have you running around the other three territories just to chat with someone who can talk to me if they wish.

"You would have to cross Riverclan Territory or Windclan Territory, and they aren't exactly happy with you right now. Each apprentice has to make the journey to Starshine Lake before they become a warrior, and I promise to have you go as soon as Thunderclan is safe, but only if you let me sleep." There were some decisions she needed to sleep on.

Silverpaw sighed. She didn't think she could get much of a better answer, because Oakstar was right. "Yes Oakstar." She said, wishing she could've done more. "I'll go back to my den."

She padded back to her nest disappointed, thinking about both Starclan and the threat the other clans posed on Thunderclan. No doubt, everyone would have more work to do. She fell asleep quickly; know she'd have a lot of work to get done when morning dawned.

The next morning, Oakstar woke the clan before the sun had even shown its first light, and gave them more jobs to do. "Last night, at the gathering, we found that Riverclan and Windclan have allied itself with Shadowclan. We must prepare for a bigger battle than we expected. Bramblestem, Smallwhisker, Mooncloud, and even the kits will be taught basic battle skills. Warriors and apprentices will be taught to battle two or three cats at once. Mooncloud will make an emergency backup supply of herbs, and teach every cat here basic herb remedies. Otherwise, things will continue as planned."

Every cat groaned. They already had more than enough work to do, now what? "I have decided to slow patrols." Goldenrock announced from below the Thunderrock, and all attention shifted to her. "Patrols will be frequent enough for one patrol to hear another's voice, but each will only have two cats. If you encounter any problems or hear any fighting, yowl as loud as you can, and your clanmates will go to the scene of the problem.

"This requires a small number less of cats than our previous strategy, and as long as no cat goes silently, it is much more effective. The one thing you have to remember, is if you are attacked on the one border, don't expect to receive help from the other side of the territory. You must stay on your side, because what looks like a border skirmish may turn into an ambush."

"Thank you, Goldenrock." Oakstar said. "Dismissed!"

The rest of the clan's faces brightened a little. Before, they had to do eight patrols a day, with five cats each, and three of those patrols being at night. They could use less cats than last moon with the lookouts positioned at the border.

Silverpaw wasted no time in rushing out of the camp to start hunting. She had even more work to do, and she might as well get an early start.

Silverpaw padded through the forest searching for prey, guilt clawing into her again, eating her inside out, feeling like a sour vole, or like somecat had released a pawfull of maggots in her stomach. It was her fault that the clans wanted to attack. She was the one who had gotten on Shadowclan territory and caused the chain reaction. She owed her life to her clanmates, she just hoped they wouldn't lose their own because of her.  

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