Chapter 29: hear me out

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Alexis POV:

The boys have gone off to work, so I thought I'd spend some time with my little brother, I don't get to see him much and that makes me feel like the worst big sister ever.

So I'm in the park not far from my mums house with Mason, he brought a ball and we're currently kicking it to each other, to be honest I'm not that bad at football, I guess I learned from taking Mason to his football lessons and sitting with him watching the game on TV.. You know all the things his father should have done.

I accidentally kick the ball abit too far so Mason turns on his heels about to run off and get it when I hear a slightly familiar voice.

"Need a hand?" Stevie said walking towards us with our ball in his hand.

"Hiya Mas mate! I bet you don't remember me" Stevie kneeled down next to Mason ruffling his hair.

"Mason come here right now" I said and he comes running towards me clinging to my side.

"Come on Lex, you go on as if I'm a Monster" he laughs lightly.

I was about to scream at him and rio his head off but I released Mason was here, he didn't need to see that.

"Mas babe, why don't you go ask those boys over there if they wanna play football while I sit here.. Okay Hun?" He nodded and ran off over to the boys around his age and started playing football.

"How dare you! How fucking dare you come up to me and Mason and act like everything's okay" I said quietly gritting my teeth with anger but still didn't wanna cause any attention.

"Lex you need to stop blaming me for what happened! I was just as heartbroken as you were.. I am... I am still heartbroken" he said falling next to me onto the bench.

"You think it was easy for me to get over loosing abb" he said

"Oh please you lost her the day you decided to fuck a little skank!" I hissed at him.

"Na you see your wrong lex... I lost abb a long time ago. She never told you but she had a real problem with drinking and I don't mean going out every weekend getting smashed on glens vodka.. I mean she carried mini bottles around with her and she wasn't always the nicest person when she was out of it.. Well at least not to me, I begged her to go see a doctor, go into rehab anything! But she didn't like it and yeah I'll admit I started hooking up with Emma cause she gave me the attention Abbie stopped giving me. I knew it'd ruin her when she found out but I thought.. I hoped maybe it will make her want to change.. I didn't need you to blame me for what she did cause believe me lex I spent everyday blaming myself, hating myself.. I started taking a thew drugs, getting messed up with some dodgy people and then one day I thought I was gonna die, I'd had a fight in the alley with some guys and they'd jumped me and took everything I had, and then it was like I saw God or something I know how it sounds but I swear to god I saw Abbie and she told me she was sorry and that she doesn't wanna see me up here yet and ever since that day I've been trying to get my life back on track for Abbie" he said wiping away the tears.

"I know what you mean, I saw Abbie .. I was in London and I was totally smashed laying in some random skate park and she was there" I said placing my hand on his hand that was covered from his shoulder to his fingers in tattoos.

"Maybe she just wasn't happy, crazy how she covered up with that amazing smile and infectious laugh though" I said smiling thinking of Abbie's laugh.

"Yeah, she really was something... Have you been to see her lately" he said

"Yeah erm earlier this week I went by myself.. To be honest it was the first time in a really long time that I'd gone" I said looking down at my feet.

"She'd understand, your living your dream" he laughed lightly.

" I never thought I'd be saying this but.. Stevie I'm sorry, I spent so long hating you and wishing it was you not Abbie, I guess she wasn't as perfect as I thought.. Huh" I said deep in thought.

"What's wrong?"

"I .. I guess she was tired of being perfect all the time" I said and in that moment it all made sense.. Abbie wasn't happy with herself we all saw her as this perfect girl who couldn't do anything wrong and I guess she just couldn't handle that status anymore.

"So who was that guy who was about to knock my head off yesterday?" He said swiftly changing the subject as he knew I was about to cry.

"Oh erm, that's Brad... It's complicated" I said.

"Always was with you lex, every guy you were seeing or whatever was never official was just always 'complicated' " he laughed lightly.

"Not always" I said

"Oh yeah I saw the papers, you and that rockstar guy" he said.

"Matty, well it taught me a lesson never fall in love with a rockstar" I laughed.

"I never believed the papers" he said smiling at me.

"Anyway I've gotta go, gotta get ready for work soon" he said checking the time.

"Oh where you working" I said standing up with him gathering my stuff.

"Plumber but I'm on call plumber so I'm here when people need me that's it" he laughs.

"Mas! Come on let's go it's getting late" I shouted across the park.

"Please let me walk yous home"

"Oh no it's fine Stevie, I can handle myself round Essex" I laugh.

"Please I want too" he pleaded I gave and let him walk me and Mason home the whole walk home consisted of Mason and Stevie passing the ball to each other with their heads and me running out the way everyone second.

"Thanks for today lex, thanks for hearing me out" he said as we reached the front door.

"Thank you for explaining everything" I said

"Thanks for playing with me" Mason said out of no where making us laugh.

"Anytime pal" he high fived Mason and walked off.

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