Chapter 31: Lillie.

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Alexis POV:

I plug in my phone and start to get ready for tonight's fake double date, I've only ever been on one double and that was with Abbie, Stevie and one of Stevies football friends. I haven't brought myself to go back to see Abbie ever since Stevie told me about how she was.. I don't know I guess I feel like I never really knew her and that makes me feel like I was, am a shitty best friend.

I get out a pair of black high waisted skinny jeans, a oversized crop grey jumper with long sleeves and my favourite pair of heeled ankle boots, the heel wasn't very big just enough to make me feel tall.

I straightened my hair as I hardly ever have it straight and started my make up. I wanted to look nice but not too over the top, I mean I wanted to look better then Brads date of course. So I finished contouring and highlighting my face and picked out my urban decay smoky eye shadow pallet, after smoking my eyes up, I picked out a dark purple lipstick, after touching up my hair and make up and grabbing a sliver shoulder bag I was finally ready.

I walked into Connors room to see if he was ready, but instead of Connor I saw Brad standing in the mirror fussing over his hair.. I thought it was cute how he got the ump about his hair even though it always looks good.

"Who you getting dolled up for?" I said opening the door all the way and leaning on the door frame.

"It's not even funn" he stopped as he turned around to see me, his mouth dropped open and his eyes widened. I liked making him feel like that it was fun to watch.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" I teased as I walked in and sat on the bed crossing my legs.

"Y-you look beautiful" he said sitting on the other bed opposite me.

"I guess you don't look so bad yourself" I said admiring his red and white stripped shirt with near enough all the buttons undone and his black skinny jeans of course with his black show Dms.

"Yeah apart from my fucking hair" he got up and huffed.

I walked around his room looking at the mess his left it in, when I find a black hat, it reminds me of a top hat expect it's not that tall.

"How about this?" I ask turning around placing the hat on brads head tilting it back a little so I can see his face.

"You look hot" I said as he turns in the mirror checking himself out making me laugh.

"Thanks babe" he said turning back round to face me and kiss me.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen where Connor and my mum are talking.

"Hi lex, I was just telling Connor here to look after you" she said winking at Connor, I rolled my eyes and opened the fridge grabbing a bottle of cider and leaning on the kitchen counter drinking it waiting to leave.

"I'm ready" Brad jumps downstairs.

"Right we need to go pick Brads blind date up" Connor said throwing his black denim jacket over his shoulders, he did look really nice he was wearing black skinny jeans rolled up the ankles, a black all time low vest with a denim jacket and vans.

"Do you even know her name?" I ask worried this was gonna be awkward.

"Yeah Lillie" Connor said opening the door allowing me leave. I shout my goodbyes to my mother and get in Connors car, I sit up front with Connor while Brad sits in back.

"Ah! I love this song" me and Connor  both say at the same time causing Brad to give us a weird look as I turn The 1975 'love me' up.

After singing along with Connor and Brad, we arrive outside Lillie house. Connor beeps a thew times, then all of sudden a big ball of brunette comes out the door. She's pretty ill give her that, her hair comes just below her shoulders cut into a perfectly neat line. Her bright green eyes sparkling as she smiles and wave at us, I smile back and examine what she's wearing, she has a black leather midi skirt  on with a burgundy long sleeved top tucked in and think burgundy heels also her leather jacket was just resting on her shoulders, she was pretty really, really stunning.. Suddenly my heart sunk and I had a big, dry lump in my throat. The thought of Brad and her together made me angry and upset and I was so glad we was going to the pub, I needed a drink NOW.

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