Chaper 38: christmas eve eve

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Alexis POV:

Seeing as me and Brad are spending Christmas with our own families were having our Christmas on the day before Christmas Eve or as Brad keeps calling it Christmas Eve Eve.

"Wake up Lexis! ITS OUR CHRISTMAS!!!!" He shouted jumping up and down on my bed making me laugh.

"I'm awake! Chill out!" I said trying to calm him down by he was like a child, it was cute.

We got dressed before we opened each other's presents. I put on a black skater skirt with a red suede long sleeved crop top and black ankle boots. My hairs was slightly curled at the ends and my make up which took me 2 hours to perfect was finally finished my lips matching my top.

"Are you- woah" Brad said walking into my room gawping at me.

"Woah yourself Bradley" I said taking in what he was wearing, his signature black skinny jeans, black loathers with tassels and a burgundy checkered shirt with the buttons undone half way down his chest exposing the tanned, toned body I can't keep my hands off.

"Can we open presents now" he said dropping his bottom lip and giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Let me make a drink first" I said walking into the kitchen to make a vodka and lemonade and walking back into the living room plopping myself on the sofa crossing my legs infront of Brad taking a sip of my drink.

"Why are you so sexy?" He asks causing me to giggle into my drink.

"Go'rn pass me a present" I said rolling my eyes at his cuteness but inside my heart was pounding and my palms was sweating.

He passes me a pretty large square present from Dean.

"Omg no way" I gasped as I opened a signed picture of Stevie Nicks from Fleetwood Mac.

"Keep rocking love always Stevie Nicks" I screamed jumping up and down, Brad laughs at my excitement.

"Wow how am I gonna top that" he said sarcastically scratching his head.

"Here" he chuckles passing me a small rectangle white box with a black bow on top.

As I open it I see something sparkle and I take a sharp breath in at the beautiful heart locket necklace as I open it up its a picture of me and Brad, my heart races and a smiles appears on my face.

"Brad I-" I look up lost for words it's beautiful.

"And" he said passing me a smaller white box with a black bow on it.

I open it and see a crown shaped ring with a little love heart diamond in it. It's beautiful.

"Oh my goodness" before I have a chance to say anything else brads took it out the box and holding it to my hand.

"Look Alexis, I'm not good at things like this speaking about my feelings it's not what I do but ever since I met you my life's changed I wanna talk about my feelings because of you, I guess what I'm trying to say, what I'm trying to do is make us official, I want us to be together boyfriend and girlfriend and everything else" he smiles at me, my heart won't stop racing.

"Yes yes of course!" I smile and kiss him my smile grows wider as he slides the ring on my finger and places the necklace round my neck, right now I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

"So boyf are you wondering where your presents are?" I ask him.

"First don't call me boyf and second yeah!" He laughs, I grab his hand and lead him into the spare room I've had locked up. I give him the key to unlock the door and he does looking at me confused.

"Well open it" I said giggling. He opens the door to reveal a brand new music room with a big white grand piano in the middle of the room and guitars hanging on the wall which where painted white with dark brown wooden floor. There's a black shiny sofa in one corner and and swinging wooden chair hanging from the celling. Brad walks in confused looking at all the computers and keyboard set up on a desk in the corner.

"I don't get it?" He said.

"Oh yeah I should have probably given you this first" I said handing him a small box with a red bow on. He opens it and by his facial expression I think is caught on.

"A key" he smiles holding up and a little door key with a keyring in the shape of a love heart with my picture in.

"Look I know it's pretty sudden and everything but Bradley Will Simpson will you move in with me" I said biting my bottom lip.

"Are you serious?" He asks looking round again my heart stops as I'm scared of what he's about to say.

"This is amazing lex, all of it, your amazing of course I'd love to move in with you" he smiles and walks towards me bringing me in for a hug and kisses my head.

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