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Katie's POV


So, it all began on a warm and sunny day in September, school had just started about two and a half weeks ago, everybody was getting back into the swing of having a routine again.

Except for me, I was the random freshman that just showed up at this school, and what I mean by that is that I had to switch schools, I move around a lot, my dad gets a new job opportunity, he uproots his family and forces them to live in a place they hate.

Everybody here is way behind me, I had already been in school a month and took primarily sophomore classes, except for one class, that was the class that made me not a sophomore- I mean, I'm in the correct grade level for a person my age, but, if I had all sophomore classes, I would have been a sophomore instead of a freshman.

Well, I was born in Georgia and moved from North Carolina. I lived in North Carolina for a total of six months. I've lived in Georgia three times, Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Oklahoma twice, Maine, Missouri, Kentucky twice, and Alabama. Now, I'm here in Pennsylvania.

My brothers and I grew up not having friends, we couldn't make friends with anybody because that meant getting attached, and our parents don't want us to make our goodbyes painful.

My parents fight a lot. My mother doesn't like moving around so much, she loathes traveling. She gets really upset when my dad accepts a job opportunity without consulting her and uprooting us out of a life that we were getting used to.
I have two brothers, a younger one and an older one. My younger brother is eleven and my older brother is sixteen. This makes me my parents' only daughter and the middle child.

I'm barely fourteen years old. I turned fourteen on August first.

Well, enough about me, my teacher just got finished calling roll.

"-Good morning class, today, I will be assigning you partners for your first major grade of the quarter" my history teacher, Mr. Klein said, his voice less monotone than usual. The class groaned and he rolled his eyes.

"Now, now, before you start whining, let me explain the project" he said. The class groaned some more.

"This assignment is a project, you will have a month to do it, you have to make a time line of all the battles and other major events that happened during the Revolutionary war, choose a battle and make diorama of said battle. Then, you will need to write a report on it and present it to the class, you and your partner must work on this project equally, and present it together. This project is worth twenty percent of your grade, so, if you choose not to do this project, your grade will not come back up, any questions before I pair you up with your partners?" he asked. A girl named Cyndi raised her hand.

"Yes, Ms. Draper?" He asked.

"If I get paired up with that stupid freshman girl, can I switch partners?" She asked. I rolled my eyes, she's obviously talking about me, I'm the only freshman in the room.

So far, nobody here likes me. Then again, I've only been here a week. I guess it's a good thing, I won't be important to anybody when I move again and I won't be leaving anybody important behind.

"No, Cyndi, if you get paired up with Katelyn, you have to suck it up and deal with it. Anymore questions?" He answered. Nobody else raised their hands.

"Good, it's time to pair you up with your partner" he said. I zoned out until I heard my name.

"Katelyn Allen, you will be partnered up with Christopher Cerulli, Christopher, raise your hand" he said. Christopher raised his hand. I got out of my seat and sat next to him.

I hope Christopher is nice.

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