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Katie's POV

The day they move


Today's the day that we move. I really think my parents overreacted. They're forcing me to leave a guy I love because they think I'm too young to date and because I had premarital sex.

My dad, Justin and Ethan are loading up the moving truck. My dad wants my mom and I to stay out of the way and doesn't want us to help. He thinks that loading up a moving truck is a man's job.

I need to tell Chris goodbye. He was the best thing to ever happen to me. The good things in life never last long.

I only knew Chris for almost two months and yet, he changed my life. He made me fall for him.

Our relationship is and was rocky. From not being able to talk or hang out or even date each other and having to sneak around to see each other, our relationship was very stressful.

I don't think I'll ever meet anybody like Chris ever again.

I should've thanked Mr. Klein for unintentionally setting Chris and I up.

"Katelyn, you wanna go to Sonic with me to get lunch?" My mom asked. I'm still pretty upset about her telling me that I don't know what love is and that I'm too young to love Chris.

"Sure" I said.

She got her car keys from my dad.

We both walked out into the crisp October air.

The leaves were finally beginning to fall. It was getting chilly out and people were decorating for Halloween.

My family has never celebrated Halloween. October thirty-first is spent with my brothers and I wallowing in our self-pity because several children always show up at the door to get candy.

My parents believe that Halloween is the Devil's holiday. They also believe that costumes are a waste of time and money and that candy is just setting the children up for diabetes and cavities.

We walked towards my mom's car. We got into her car and she put the key into the ignition and started it up.

"Mom, can I say goodbye to Chris? He deserves to know that I'm leaving" I asked.

"I suppose but your father can't know" she told me. I nodded as she pulled out onto the road.

I told her where to stop.

We got to Chris's house. I got out of the car and walked towards the front door.

I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer.

Eventually Chris's mom answered.

"Chris is grounded sweetie" she said.

"Can I say goodbye to him? I haven't had the chance to, my parents won't even let me speak to him during school. I'm leaving in a couple hours, just let me have like five or ten minutes with him?" I begged.

"I guess. Come on in" she said. I walked in and went up to Chris's room.

I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. I don't think he can hear the knock over the sound of his music playing. He's listening to The Misfits. I wish I were allowed to listen to them.

I opened up the door. He was laying in his bed, crying.

"Chris?" I said. He wiped his eyes and looked at me. He got up and ran to me. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

"My mom let you in?" He asked, nuzzling his face into my hair.

"This is goodbye Chris. I haven't been able to tell you, but because of us doing that thing. My parents decided to leave sooner than expected. I'm leaving in a couple hours. I just wanted you to know that I'll miss you and I love you." I said, my voice cracking.

"I love you too. I'll always remember you. I'm sorry that it has to end this way and we can't even try to make a long distance relationship work" he said.

"I would love to but seeing as that I'm grounded until I'm fifteen and no longer have privileges, we can't" I told him.

"You be safe Katie. I love you" he said before leaning down to kiss me.

We shared the most passionate kiss we've ever had.

He pulled away and we both began to cry.

"I love you Katelyn, now go, I don't want to see you cry and I don't want to cry in front of you" he said.

"I love you too Christopher. Goodbye" I said before kissing him on the lips again. He let go of me. I walked out of the room and started crying.

"I'm sorry that it ended so soon. Thank you for my making my baby boy happy" Mrs. Cerulli said.

"No problem, you raised a really good guy. He's such a gentleman, any girl would be very lucky to have him as a boyfriend" I said.

"Aw, thank you sweetie. I'm sorry that I told your mother about what you two did but it just wasn't appropriate for two teenagers to do that while everybody is home, asleep and while there's two other children in the house. I'm sure Chris's brother could've figured out what was happening if he heard but if his sister heard, we'd have to explain the birds and the bees to her and she's still pretty young. But anyway, I didn't think your parents would go to the lengths of moving because of a stupid mistake that lots of teenagers make" she said.

"My parents are very christian. Well, thank you for letting me say goodbye to Chris. I need to get going, my mom is waiting out there" I said.

"Alright Katie. Have a safe travel and good luck wherever you're going" she said.

"Thanks, bye Mrs. Cerulli" I said before walking out of their house.

I walked back to my mom's car and wiped my eyes.

I will never meet a guy like Chris again...

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