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Katie's POV

The night of Chris's birthday


I sat over by my window, in my pajamas.
It's midnight. Chris and I agreed that we need to get up at like four in the morning, so that his parents won't notice I'm there and so that my parents won't know I'm gone.

I heard a pebble hit my window. I opened up my blinds and crawled out my window. I forgot that this was a two story house, so I fell to the ground.

"You okay?" Chris asked.

"My hip hurts, but yeah, I'm fine" I said.

"You want me to make it hard for you to move the next day? You know? To take your mind off that hip... If you know what I mean" he winked.

"Perv..." I said as he picked me up off the ground.

"No... But seriously, we can make tonight memorable, if you want." He said.

"Chris... I don't know... I'm a virgin and I wouldn't be any good at it" I said as he carried me.

"Babe, I'm a virgin too. I understand if you don't want to. I'm not gonna push you to do anything you don't wanna do" he told me.

"No... It's your birthday, we can do this" I said.

"You sure?" He asked.

"I'm sure Chris. We can both make this night unforgettable" I told him. As we reached his house.

We both climbed in through the window, like we normally do. His light was off.

"Here's your slice of cake" he said.

"I can eat that later" I said.

"Okay... Since we're about to do the do... I might as well come out and say this..." He said nervously. He sighed before speaking again.

"Katelyn Rachael Allen, I love you. I know we haven't been together for very long and we probably won't be together for much longer, since you're moving and you're kinda not allowed to be with me but you make me feel something I've never felt with any girl I've dated in the past. You've changed my life in the best way possible. I hope you feel the same about me. I understand if you don't. I love you babe" he said. I want to cry. He's so cute.

"I love you too" I said. I got into his lap and took off my shirt.

"You sure you wanna do this?" He asked.

"Just fuck me already" I said. He smirked and took off my pajama bottoms.


We both came. We were both sweaty and breathless but this night is unforgettable and mind blowing to say the least.

We had no idea what we were doing but we didn't care. He got the correct limb into the right hole.

"Chris? You awake?" We heard an adult voice ask. It was his mother. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

She walked into the room and turned on the light, I hid under the blanket.

"Chris, can you stop kicking the wall? We're trying to sleep" she said.

"Sure th-thing mom" he said, his voice cracking.

"Whose panties are those? The ones on your desk?" She asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he said, playing dumb.

"You're lying. Panties don't just magically appear in a teenaged boy's bedroom, you're not creepy enough to take mine or your sister's, plus they're too big to be your sister's and too small to be mine. Who's the girl?" She asked.

"I still don't know what you're talking about" he said.

"What are you hiding under the blanket?" She asked.

"N-nothing" he said nervously.

"You're lying Christopher, you either tell me what you're hiding or I find out myself" she said.

"I'm not hiding anything" he said.

I felt the blanket be pulled off of our naked bodies. I immediately covered myself.

"Christopher Thomas Cerulli! Please tell me that I don't see you and your girlfriend naked and in the same bed" she said.

"Uh..." He said.

"You two, put clothes on. Young lady, I'm taking you home and you two are going to explain what you did to her parents" she said.

I put my clothes back on. Chris handed me his shirt to put on.

He put his clothes on. We followed his mom.

"You're lucky your father didn't find you or else you wouldn't be seeing daylight for a few months" she said as we walked out of the house.


We got to my house. Chris's mom rang the doorbell and we waited for my parents to answer.

My mom eventually answered the door.

"May I help you?" My mom asked groggily.

"Yes, I'm Chris's mom, I just found your daughter and my son in bed together and they were naked" his mom told my mom.

"I see, come in, so we can question them" my mom said. We walked in and went into the living room.

We all sat down and my mom turned on a lamp.

"So... Mrs. Uh..." My mom trailed.

"Cerulli" Chris's mom told my mom.

"So, Mrs. Cerulli, how'd you find them in bed together?" My mom asked.

"Well, I was sleeping and I kept on hearing a banging against the wall, so I thought it was just Chris kicking the wall- he has a tendency of doing that. So, I got out of bed and asked him if he was awake, he didn't answer, so I walked in and turned on the light. He was wide awake, I told him to quit kicking the wall. He wasn't kicking the wall, it was his bed hitting it. He was acting weird. He was lying. I saw a pair of panties on his desk. He tried to act like he didn't know how they got there. Then I noticed a lump underneath his blanket, and it was right next to him. He wouldn't tell me what he was hiding, so I yanked the blanket off of him and they were both buttass naked" Mrs. Cerulli told my mom.

"Katelyn, Chris, what did you guys do? I want to hear you guys admit to it" my mom asked.

"We had sex" Chris mumbled. I nodded in agreement.

"Katelyn, when did you sneak out?" She asked.

"At around midnight" I said.

"What led you to do this?" She asked.

"It was his birthday present, we both love each other and we both felt ready" I said.

"Katelyn, you're fourteen, you don't know what love is" she said.

"When will I know mom? You won't let me do anything to learn what it is." I snapped.

"When you're older. Now go to bed. We'll discuss your punishment in the morning" she said. I rolled my eyes.

"I apologize for my son's behavior towards your daughter. Sorry for waking you up at this hour" Mrs. Cerulli said.

"It's fine. Thank you for telling me. I apologize for my daughter pushing him to do that" my mom said. Pushing him? It was his idea!

"Ma'am, it was actually my idea, we both agreed to it. We both wanted it." Chris said.

"Chris, you two are both too young to do that. You both should have waited until you were older, until you both knew that you guys were meant for each other and until you both weren't in high school." Mrs. Cerulli said.

"I love her mom" he said.

"We'll have this talk later Christopher, we're going home." She said, grabbing his arm and walking out of my house.

"Katelyn. Go to bed. Your father and I will talk about your punishment in the morning" my mom said. I went to my room and collapsed on my bed.

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