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Katie's POV

A few days later


Chris comes in today. I'm in Boston, waiting for him. His flight comes in at like noon, which is in ten minutes.

These next two weeks will really test out how much we still know each other and how much we've really changed.

So far, he's still the same caring and sweet goofball that I was with when I was fourteen.

I waited by baggage claim for him. He's grown a couple inches, and I'm finally five feet even. So he's still a giant compared to me.

I waited a few more minutes before I saw a flood of people charged towards the baggage claim, reuniting with their families and friends.

Chris eventually found me. He gave me a huge hug and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him on the lips.

"You're so short" he said.

"Great observation" I said sarcastically. He chuckled and got his bags.

"How was your flight?" I asked.

"Not bad. I hate flying but it wasn't bad." He said as we went outside. I led him to my car. I unlocked it and helped him put his bags in the trunk.

"Awh. Little Chrissy is afraid of flying" I said.

"Shhh... You're terrified of the dark" he said as we got into my car.

We both buckled up as I started it up.

"Can I meet Matthew?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure one of his dads are home right now. He's just like you Chris, with his looks, personality and mannerisms" I told him.

"I feel horrible for him. He got my huge nose." He said. I chuckled as I grabbed his hand.

"It might not be huge... I mean... he's only six" I said.

"When's his birthday?" He asked.

"July sixteenth" I said.

"Were you allowed to hold him when he was born?" He asked.

"My parents didn't want me to, they didn't even want me to be in contact with his adoptive parents. They wanted me to pretend that he never existed. It's kind of hard to do that since I have stretch marks on my belly and boobs from him and my vagina isn't the same and I pee myself a little bit when I sneeze because of him." I said.

"It's not his fault. It's mine. But I see what you're saying, you can't pretend that you didn't make a baby" he said.

"Exactly. But remember what I said, don't tell Matthew that you're his real dad, he's already confused about the fact that he has two dads and a mom. His dads and I discussed it and decided that we'll tell him the truth about you when he's old enough to understand" I said.

"Alright. I still can't wait to meet him. I mean, I can't raise him or be a little bit of a dad but at least I'll get to meet him. I never would have thought I'd have a kid" he said.

"Same. At least I can be a little bit of a mommy to him" I said.

"Do you ever take him home with you?" He asked.

"No, I mean, I did a couple times when he was a new born and his dads were trying to work out their schedule, so they could be there for him when he needs them" I said.

"Is he attached to you?" He asked.

"A little bit" I told him.


We got to Dylan and Randy's. Chris and I walked to the front door, his hand in mine.

"They've got a nice place" he said.

"I know right? The inside is even nicer though" I said as I rang the door bell.

"Will they like me?" He asked.

"They should." I reassured.

A couple moments later, Dylan answered the door.

"Hey Katie! Hey guy!" Dylan greeted.

"Dylan, this is Chris, Matthew's biological father" I told him.

"Nice to meet you sir" Chris said, shaking Dylan's hand. We went inside.

"Matthew is in the living room with Randy and the dog" Dylan told us, I led Chris to the living room.

Matthew was laying on the floor with the dog. They have a black lab named Ty.

"Hey Randy, hey Matty" I said.

"Cop a squat you guys" Randy said, Chris and I sat on the couch.

"Randy, this is Chris, he's the boy's biological father" I said.

"Nice to meet you Chris" Randy said, shaking Chris's hand. Chris was nervous.

"Matthew, Katie's here" Dylan said. Matty got up into my lap and hugged me.

"Mommy!" Matty said.

"Hey buddy!" I said.

"I missed you!" He said.

"I missed you too" I told him.

"Who's this?" He asked, pointing to Chris.

"Matty, this is Chris, my boyfriend" I said, not telling him that Chris is the guy who helped create him.

"Hi Chris! Are you gonna marry my mommy?" He asked.

"I don't know yet buddy, I live in a different state. We'll see" Chris told Matty.

"Dad, if Katie marries Chris, does that mean he'll be my daddy too?" Matty asked Randy.

"We'll talk about that later bud, we'll explain this whole family tree thing when you're older because there's a lot of stuff that you won't understand" Randy told him.

"What won't I understand?" Matty asked.

"Like I said, daddy, Katie and I will tell you when you're older because it'll only confuse you" Randy said. Matty nodded and got out of my lap. He walked out of the living room, going to his room, I'm assuming.

"He seems like he's a good kid" Chris said.

"He really is. He's the most well behaved kid in his class, he causes no trouble here. He never gives anybody issues." Dylan said.

"Thank you for giving him a great life. God knowing that if her parents hadn't have tore us apart, we wouldn't be able to give him the life he deserves since we were both teenagers" Chris said.

"No problem. We came across Katie in the adoption database thing, we learned about her situation and learned why she was doing this. We're really grateful that she let us adopt him and had no issue with him having two dads. And considering that she wasn't allowed to have a chance to raise him as her own, we felt like it would only be right if we let her be in his life and have a hand at raising him" Randy said.

"How was life when you were pregnant with him?" Chris asked.

"Tough. I went to a Catholic school, Chris. I wasn't even Catholic but I still didn't have many options considering that if my parents allowed it, abortion was still frowned upon and I would've been kicked out. But on the plus side, none of the girls could make rumors about who I slept with since it was an all girls school" I said.

"It really makes me feel like shit that I couldn't be there for you, Katie" he said.

"We had no control of the situation Chris. If I had it my way, we would've stayed together and raised Matthew together. But I'm happy that these guys adopted him and are giving him the life that we wouldn't have been able to give him" I said.

"True, again, thank you guys for doing such a great job with raising Matthew and looking after Katie" he said.

"It's no issue really" Dylan said.

Chris rested his head on my shoulder and held my hand.

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