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Katie's POV

When they get to the prison


We got to the prison my brother was at. I haven't seen my brother since his last birthday. I wish I could've come here on better terms.

But, I guess coming here at all isn't coming here on great terms because my brother is always pissed when Ethan, mom and I visit.

He's never pissed when Alice or his daughter visits. I think his daughter has visited once though. Only because she refused to eat until she saw her daddy.

"This prison kinda reminds me of the prison from Shawshank Redemption... Well, the outside does anyway" Chris said as we approached the doors to the prison.

"When we go through security, I hope you know that your lip rings have to come out since they're metal objects" I told him as we walked in.

We took our shoes off and removed anything metal from our bodies and emptied our pockets.

We walked through the metal detectors and got frisked.

"Who are you trying to visit? What are your names and relationships to the inmate?" A guard asked.

"Inmate 509, Justin Allen. Our names are Katelyn Allen and Christopher Cerulli, I'm the inmate's sister and Christopher is my boyfriend" I said.

"We need to see proof of identity to see that you are who you say you are and to see if you have any warrants" he said. Chris and I got out our ID's and handed them to the guard.

The guard scanned them and let us through.

Justin was sitting at a table, wearing a dark blue jump suit with his inmate number on it.

He looked like hell. Well, he's looked like hell ever since he got here.

"Justin" I said.

"Katelyn and..." Justin trailed.

"Chris" I told him.

"Why are you here? Who is he?" he asked.

"I have bad news. Chris is my boyfriend, you've met him before" I said.

"What's the news? And I have?" He asked.

"Mom, dad and Alice got into a car accident and Alice went through the windshield and is in critical condition" I told him.

"No. No. No. Not my baby sister. No." He said.

"I'll keep you updated on what happens" I said, giving him a

"Thank you. But when have I met your boyfriend?" He asked.

"You're welcome. When we were in Pennsylvania, he was the guy mom and dad desperately tried to keep me away from. He's your nephew's biological father" I said.

"You know, I could kick your ass for knocking up my sister but there's witnesses and I'll just get time added to my sentence" he said.

"Do you want me to tell your ex-wife about Alice?" I asked.

"You should. I want her to know in case Alice doesn't make it, she loves Alice to death and deserves to know" he said.

"Okay, I'll let her know. Thanks" I said.

"Alright. I'll see you another time. Love you." He said.

"Love you too Justin, I'll see you in a couple months or so" I said as he gave me a hug.

Telling Justin's ex-wife and daughter should only take a few minutes since all I have to do is call her.

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