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Katie's POV

The next day


I didn't get to school until second period. I kept on crying every time I was trying to get ready.

I dont know how I'm going to tell Chris that I'm moving.

I don't understand why my parents want to have another kid, they can barely keep the three they already have, happy.

I'm gonna feel bad for my little sister. I hope they don't hold her to the same standards they held me to.

But anyway, now I'm at lunch. I'm waiting for Chris at his locker.

I watched him come down the stairs and approach his locker.

He angrily opened his locker and shoved his book bag into his locker. He slammed it shut and walked away from me.

"Chris! Where are you going?!" I asked.

"Get the fuck away from me" he snapped.

"What the hell? Why?" I asked.

"Don't act like you don't know" he said.

"I don't know, though" I said.

"William Pike said you've been fucking him" he said.

"I don't even know him. You're literally the only person I'm friends with or romantically involved with at this school" I said.

"Yeah. Right." He said.

"You're really showing how much you trust me right now!" I shouted, drawing a scene. Everybody was watching.

"Babe, you're causing a scene" he said, taking my hand.

"You're gonna get all pissy at me over a fucking rumor and believe it. No, I know I'm causing a scene! You fucking deserve it!" I spat.

"I'm sorry baby. What can I do to make this up to you?" He asked before kissing my forehead.

"Let's get out of here. We're going to talk. I have something to tell you" I said. He nodded. He took my hand and laced our fingers together.

We walked out of the school and sat on the wall that was surrounding the flag.

"What exactly did William say?" I asked.

"He said that he was fucking you because we were broken up" he told me.

"Chris, I don't even know him, I'm still a virgin and don't believe everything you hear, he probably said it to take the piss out of you" I told him.

"You're right. Sorry for getting pissed at you." He said.

"It's fine" I said. He leaned over and kissed me.

"No PDA on campus!" A girl yelled. Oh. It's just that one bitch that Justin fucked after school, that was the day that led me to become friends with Chris.

Chris smirked and kissed me again. This time there was tongue involved.

I heard a gagging noise. Chris and I pulled away, she was walking away.

"Chris, I need to tell you something" I said.

"What?" He asked. I sighed before tears began to spill out from my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, wrapping an arm around me.

"Baby don't cry..." He cooed in my ear.

"I'm moving at the beginning of December" I told him.

"You can't leave me! You just got here!" He said, his eyes were watering up.

"I don't have a choice Chris, my dad is too selfish to not think about himself for five minutes. He gets bored of a job and uproots his family. He should really reconsider it, because my mom is four and a half months pregnant and stress isn't good for the baby" I said.

"You're spending the night with me on my birthday. I don't care if your parents say no. I'll sneak out and get you" he said.

"When's your birthday?" I asked.

"Oh right. I never told you. It's on the seventeenth. So like this Saturday" he said.

"I'll be there" I said.

"I'll save you a slice of cake, we'll watch movies together, make-out some, and stuff" he said.

"Cake? Yeah, I'll definitely be there" I said.

"I guess cake really seals the deal, huh?" He laughed. I laid my head on his shoulder.

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