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Katie's POV

The next day


I stood outside and waited for Chris, even though my parents told me that I'm not allowed to walk to school with him.

I saw a tall figure walk towards my front porch. I put on my glasses and saw that it was Chris. I ran up to him.

"Good morning tiny person" he said.

"Morning Chris!" I said as we began to walk to school.

"We need to start thinking about what we need to do for this project, Mr. Boring-Ass gives extra-credit if we turn it in early" he said.

"Chris, we gotta think, do we want our project done quick or do we want a really good grade on it because we can't have both" I said.

"I guess we'll take our time on it because my grade in that class is already suffering" he said.

"That's the right choice because my parents would kill me if my grade fell below a B" I said.

"Damn... Strict parents..." He said.

"They are strict, but only towards me, my brother can talk to however many bitches he wants but I talk to one guy and I get my ass jumped" I told him.

"So you got in trouble for talking to somebody that you have to talk to for a school project?" He asked.

"Yup! I got pissed and walked out of the room" I said.

"Damn. I would too! Who's your brother?" He asked.

"Justin Allen" I told him.

"I have two classes with him, he constantly calls me a fag" he said.

"I'll kick his ass when I get home" I told him.

"You don't have to" he said.

"He's my brother, he's an asshole and I need to set him straight" I said.

"Katie, you don't have to, I'm used to it" he said.

"You shouldn't be used to being called names, you seem like a great guy and it's fucked up that you're getting bullied" I said.

"Everybody bullies the weird kid" he said.
"It still doesn't make it any less fucked up" I told him.

"Just drop it, there's nothing you can do about it" he told me.

I left the subject alone, even though I wanted to tell him how fucked up it is that they pick on him.

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