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Katie's POV



It's been seven or eight years since I left Scranton. Life's been quite the rollercoaster since then.

I had a baby the summer after I left Scranton. Yes, before anybody asks, it was Chris's.

My parents wouldn't allow me to abort it or raise it myself nor would they adopt it. They forced me to give it up for adoption.

I had a little boy. His name was Matthew. He's six turning seven this year. I've met him. His fathers also let me visit him every so often. Yes, I said fathers, as in plural.

Despite my parents utter disgust for gays, I wanted the little guy to grow up in a household that taught him to love and be open minded.

He's a normal little boy, he plays like a normal little boy and acts like one as well. The fact that he has two fathers does not affect him in anyway.

He knows that I'm his biological mother. I don't think he quite understands it but he occasionally calls me mommy. So it's not like he doesn't have a mother-figure in his life.

His fathers know that I was in a situation where I really didn't have a choice on whether or not I could raise him. So that's why they're letting me in his life and letting me kind of be a mother to him.

He's a spitting image of Chris, except his eyes are a hazel-y color, not golden brown.

I haven't really dated since I moved.

I really wonder how Chris is doing. I wonder if he's married, if he has a family of his own. I hope he found happiness, he deserves it.

I still live in Massachusetts. My parents got divorced shortly after my little sister was born. My dad left. My mom stayed here.

My sister is only a few months older than my kind of son.

Justin's in prison right now. He's doing a lot of time right now for helping with the murder of a girl that went to our school. He didn't plan to murder her or murder her in any way but he helped his friend hide the body.

Justin was married to her best friend. They had a four year old. She was the one who turned him in. She couldn't stomach the fact that he helped hide her best friend's body.

Ethan's in college right now. He's in Tucson, Arizona. He's going to the university there. Primarily because that's the party college.

Anyway... One of Matthew's dad's is calling me.

I picked up my phone answered.

"Hey Katie" Matthew's father, Dylan said.

"Hey Dylan" I said.

"Are you free tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"My younger sister has tickets to go to a metal concert but has nobody to go with or take her. I would take her but my parents turned her against me when she a little one and I came out. The only reason I know that she's going is because my mom texted me and asked me to find someone" he told me.

"Sure, where's the concert?" I asked.

"Boston" he said.

"What time do you want me to come by to get her?" I asked.

"Four-ish" he said.

"I'll definitely take her" I said.

"Thank you so much Katie. Words can't express how much this means to me. What can I do to repay you?" He asked.

"Pshh... Don't worry about it, you letting me in Matty's life is enough" I said.

"You're the most positive person I've met Katie, you almost got disowned by your family, you had no choice but to give up your baby, you do everything to help your mom and you're still happy" he said.

"I'm only happy because you guys are so understanding. You guys let me see my little boy and let me help with parenting at times." I said.

"I need to let you off here, Randy burnt spaghettios. God. That man really tests my patience. But yeah, be here at four. Love you kid!" He said.

"Love you too Dylan!" I said before he hung up.

Neither of them know how to cook very well. Matthew's even said that his daddies suck at cooking. So most of the time, I cook dinner there.

I don't live with them just to clarify, I do visit a lot. I visit like two to four times a week, more if Matthew's sick.

They aren't always able to take off work and nurse him when he's sick, so sometimes I do it.

Well, anyway, I need to get ready and fill my car up and shit for the drive to Boston.

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