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Katie's POV

That afternoon


I got to Dylan and Randy's. Dylan told me that his sister is kind of pushy, so beware of that.

I'm not gonna let a fifteen year old boss me around.

"Here's the key, just bring her here when the show's over" Dylan said.

"Will do, I'll text you when we get there" I said.

"Again, thank you so much for doing this for me" he said.

"It's no problem" I said, giving him a hug.

"Matthew, Katie and Lizzy are about to leave, you wanna say bye?" Randy asked Matty.

He got up off of the couch and hugged my legs.

"Bye mommy" Matty said.

"Bye kiddo" I said.

"Bye Aunt Lizzy" he told Dylan's sister. She waved.

We walked out of the house. We walked towards my car and got into it.

I started it up and pulled out of the driveway.

"How come Matthew called you 'mommy'?" Lizzy asked.

"Well, I'm his biological mother. I was forced to give him up for adoption, so your brother and his fiancé were nice enough to let me be in Matty's life" I told her.

"Forced?" She asked.

"I got pregnant when I was fourteen. My parents didn't believe in abortion and since I was going to a catholic school when I found out, I would've ended up in more trouble than I already was in if I had done it. My parents wouldn't let me keep Matthew either. So my only option was to give him up for adoption" I told her.

"Does Matthew know his real dad?" She asked.

"No. I wasn't able to tell his real dad that I was pregnant. My parents went to the lengths of moving and sending me to an all girls Catholic school to keep his biological father and I apart" I said.

"Oh" she said.


The concert came and went. Lizzy insisted that we wait out in the rain for a couple hours and wait for the band to come out so that she can meet them.

"I hope they come out soon!" She said excitedly.

"The show just ended like fifteen minutes ago, they're probably cleaning themselves up and relaxing for a few-" I said before she cut me off.

"There they are!" She squealed.

I followed her.

"Hi!" She said. They waved at her.

"Did you enjoy the show?" A guy with long hair and the bottom half of his face covered with black paint.

"Hell yeah!" She said. They smiled.

"What's your name?" A tall guy with drawn on eyebrows asked. He kind of looks like Matthew.

"Lizzy" she smiled.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"Katie" I told him.

"Do you guys want a picture with us?" He asked.

"Fuck yes!" She shouted.

"I'll take the picture" I said.

"Katie, be in the picture, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have seen my favorite band!" She said.

"Fine" I said.

"Korel, can you take the picture?" The tall guy with drawn on eyebrows asked. A guy with a beard nodded. Lizzy handed him her phone.

We stood with the band and waited for him to take the picture.

"Say cheese" 'Korel' said. We all smiled. He handed Lizzy her phone.

"You know, you kind of look like my son" I told the tall guy with drawn on eyebrows.

"Thank you?" He said.

"You're right Katie, Matthew and Chris look a lot alike" Lizzy said. Chris? What a weird coincidence. Matthew's real dad is named Chris.

"Can I see a picture of him? I hope that isn't weird" Chris asked. I pulled my phone out my pocket and pulled up a picture of Matty.

"How old is he? You look really young" he said.

"He's six almost seven. I'm twenty-one almost twenty-two" I said.

"Chris, he looks just like you" a short emo said.

"Ricky, his father could look a lot like me. It's said that every body has seven people that look like them" Chris said.

"You do look a lot like my son's biological father but I haven't seen him since before I found out I was pregnant with him" I said.

"Just out of curiosity, have you ever lived in the state of Pennsylvania?" Another short emo asked but he didn't look like he fit in with the others.

"Yeah" I said.

"Can you guys quit interrogating her?" Chris asked.

"What part? And what year?" Ricky asked.

"Scranton and in 2002" I said.

"What high school?" A guy with a piercing on either side of his upper lip asked.

"Scranton high school" I said.

"What was baby daddy's name?" He asked.

"Chris" I said. They all looked at Chris.

"Guys, there were several guys who were named Chris at that school! She's probably not even talking about me!" Chris snapped.

"What was his last name?" Chipmunk-egg-man asked.

"Cerulli" I said. They all looked at Chris again.

"What's your last name?" Chris asked.

"Allen" I said.

"Were you a freshman when you lived in Scranton?" He asked. I nodded.

"Fuck" he said under his breath.

"Daddy Motionless" Ricky said.

"I'm so sorry for ruining your adolescence Katie!" Chris said.

"Don't be. I had to give him up for adoption. He knows I'm his mom, I'm really close friends with his fathers, they let me help take care of him." I told him.

"At least he's not growing up without a father" he said.

"You had no way of knowing Chris. We were forcibly kept apart. We had no means of keeping in touch." I said. He got closer to me and gave me a hug.

"I missed you" he said.

"I missed you too" I said.

"I hate to break up this love fest but if we want to get to the next venue on time, we need to go now" Korel said. Chris put his number into my phone.

"We're staying in touch this time" Chris said before he and his band mates got into their van.

"Dylan isn't gonna believe this" Lizzy said.

"Believe what?" I asked.

"How the singer of my favorite band is Matthew's real dad and how you got reunited with your boyfriend!" She squealed.

"He's not my boyfriend... He probably has a girlfriend, or fiancé or wife at home. I'm not gonna get my hopes up" I said.

"He's single, as far as I know. He seemed pretty into you though" she said.

"He probably wasn't into me, Lizzy, he was probably just happy to see me" I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Come on, let me bring you back to your brother's" I said.

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