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My body was so sore from all the running and beating (from Jay *smirk*) that I endured. When I got out of bed it took a large effort to walk from my bed to the adjoining bathroom. I ran some bathwater and got in to relax my body.

"Giselle!" I heard someone yell. It sounded like my mom.

"I'm in the tub!" I yelled back.

Soon I heard footsteps and sure enough there was my mom standing in my bathroom looking down at me as I bathed myself. She sucked her teeth indicating that I should hurry up and get out. Not wanting an argument I took the stopper out and let the water run down the drain. I got out and dried myself off with my blue towel.

"Yes mother?" I asked.

"My name is Tina," she said sternly.

"Sorry Tina wassup?"

"Beyonce you need to try on that dress for the pageant and it better fit since its today!" she hissed.

"Okay where is it?"

"Its downstairs, hurry up!" 

I put on my silk robe and walked downstairs to the living room. My mom was holding the dress. It was so beautiful. It was a green almost emerald color. It was so shimmery. It almost reminded me of the one I had worn at my last pageant except ten times better. Hopefully this time they'll say the winner is 3rd ward.

I slipped the dress on and it finally fit. It seemed to cling to my body showing off that hourglass figure I tried to erase. My big hips and thick thighs are what made me lose last year. I can't lose again. They'll kill me for sure.

"It's perfect Beyonce!" my mother yelled in excitement.  "Your curves are actually suiting you now since your belly is so flat," she added on.

"Thanks Tina,"

After that I took off the dress and she handed me my diet pills. I took them and then she gave me some energy drink that they had made up. It's some illegal kind, it also makes you thinner and more alert. It gives you a certain high. My mom says its safe but to be honest it seems like liquid cocaine. I used to refuse to take it but they just made my life hell when I did it.

"Make up time," my mother said smiling.

"Where's Solo?" I asked her.

"Matthew took her to her pageant out of state," she said.

I sat at my mother's vanity for hours as she did my makeup and hair. She kept doing something then wiping it off. She was trying to make me look perfect. Like a black barbie doll. When she was finally finished with it I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize myself. I looked beautiful but this wasn't me. Fresh face, nike wearing, playing around, that's the beyonce I know deep down. The one who loves to sing. The only time they let me sing is at the pageants to impress judges. I didn't do it last time but she wants me to do it now.

Once everything was finished, and I was all perfect we drove off to the competition which was right here in Houston. We went in handled everything and waited for my turn. The whole time all I could think about was Jay. The free feeling I get when I'm around him. How he holds me, and loves me. I want to run off with him but at times it seems like he holds me back too. It's just so hard to choose. Do I stay with my parents, go with Jay, or start my singing career.

"Ms. 3rd Ward," the man said.

I walked up to the stage and he asked me a series of questions.

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