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Five Years Later

Blue P.O.V.

I stood on the stage, very nervous. My mom was at my left and my dad was at my right. They were performing together on tour. This was their last show, she ended in Houston to pay homage to her city. I looked in the front row and saw my grandparents, and my auntie Solo.

"You ready lefty?" my dad asked me.

I nodded my head and took a deep breath.

He handed me the mic and I began to rap. I didn't have the singing voice like my mom did but I could freestyle like no other. People even said I was getting better than my dad. I thought he'd be jealous but he was actually very proud of me. We spend hours at a time in the studio almost everyday. We're all even working on an album together. It's going to be called The Carters: A Family Affair.

Once I was finished the crowd went crazy. Everyone was screaming my name and my parents just looked so proud. I handed the mic back to my dad, who then handed it to my mom. She had an important announcement to make that I didn't even know about. It's supposed to be a surprise for everyone, even my father.

"Okay everyone, I have a very important announcement to make,"

The crowd went completely silent. I stared at my mom, admiring her beauty. Her honey blonde hair that was straightened and curled. Her glittery body suit and gold colored heels. She was the epitome of beauty to me. I loved the fact that I was a mixture of her and my father.

"I am expecting," she said and the crowd began to cheer.

My dad looked so surprised. I kind of was too, but at the same time I wasn't. My mom began looking a bit different. Her face always glowed and was a bit fatter. She'd always ask me if being an only child was lonely. I'd lie and say no, but it was. I wanted someone to love, someone to teach things to, someone to share things with. A tear came to my eyes and my dad pulled me close to him.

They ended the show singing Forever Young. I always loved to see them sing that. My mother had on a wedding dress while she was singing it but my dad kept on his street clothes. On the screen they showed different moments of our lives while they were singing. It started off with pictures of my mom and dad as kids. Then they showed pictures from their first date, and then baby pictures of me. They showed wedding pictures and videos. Lastly they showed a picture of our whole family. My dad's side and my mom's side. Everyone cheered and then Julius ushered me off the stage and to my mom's dressing room.

About five minutes later both of my parents came in and sat down on the couch next to me.

"Are you happy about having a sibling Blue?" my mommy asked me.

"Yes I am,"

"That's good Blue, I should've given you one sooner but I'm sorry I didn't,"

"It's okay mom, I loved having you and dad to myself for a while," I said smiling.

"Can I rub your belly?" I asked.

"She's not showing yet Blue," my dad said.

"It doesn't matter Jay," my mom said.

She placed my hand on her stomach and I swear I felt a connection. It felt like a spark. I smiled and began talking to her belly. I swear I'm so happy to have my family, I couldn't imagine it being any different.


Okay this book is now finally finished. This epilogue kind of sucks but eh, I didn't know what else to say. I just hope you guys really enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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