If I Were A Boy

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I carefully ran my fingers across the black velvet box. I contemplated on whether I should open it now or later. Today was my birthday and I snuck out the house super early to see Jay. Usually if I wasn't training I would just ask to leave and I'd go see him, but today my whole family would be there and if I left it would ruin the appearance of my family. They think we are a close knit, beautiful family. That's far from the truth but appearances are everything.

Jay had just given me the black velvet box and I've been staring at it. I don't know why but I didn't want to open it just yet. I was savoring this bittersweet moment. It was bittersweet because I'd be leaving him soon and wouldn't see him until the sun set and dark skies set in.

Finally I opened the box and it revealed a ring. It was clad in bright diamonds that seemed to endlessly sparkle. I smiled at it and put it on my right hand ring finger. This was not an engagement or promise ring. It was his present to me and I loved it. It was so elegant just like him. I kissed him and he tasted so sweet. When our lips stopped dancing I gave him a big hug and kisses him all over his face. He smiled and began to laugh. I loved his laugh, it was so weird but complemented his Brooklyn accent so well.
"Do you like it?" He asked me.
"Yes it's beautiful," I said to him.

I got up from his bed and stood before him. He admired my body. I had on some sweats and a cropped tee. I looked at the time and I knew I'd have to be leaving soon. I kissed him one last time and we hugged for what felt like forever. After that, I left his home and drove back to my prison, I mean, my home.

Solo had left the back door open for me. I carefully walked through the house as if I weighed nothing. Luckily I made it up to my room undetected. I would usually be up getting ready by this time anyway so I decided to just take another shower. Once I was out I went in my closet and grabbed the white lace fitted dress my mother bought for today. It hugged my body and accentuated all my curves. I did my hair and put on my make up. Lastly I added my gold accessories. I looked in the mirror and smiled. For once I looked truly happy. I just hope my parents are satisfied with the way I fixed myself up.

After a final glance in the mirror I walked downstairs to the living room. Matthew, Tina, and Solange were all sitting on the snowy white couch. They looked like perfect, plastic dolls. Their faces showed no emotion as they stared at me. Finally after several minutes of silence Tina cracked a smile.
"You've exceeded our expectations," she said giving me what I considered to be a compliment. I returned her smile.
"When are our guests coming?" I asked making sure I returned my face back to stone.

"In about an hour, this is the just the breakfast part, then we'll have a huge lunch, and after the lunch we're going to White Castle and that's where will take pictures to send off to modeling companies for you and there will be dinner, exchanging of gifts and etc."

I nodded my head and just waited. Just like she said an hour later all of the most influential and richest people in Texas walked up in my house. I smiled at all of them and we all made sure they saw we were a "happy" family. My parents greeted everyone that came in and they all wished me a happy birthday. I thanked them and then one unexpected guest came. He smirked at me and my body tensed. I didn't expect for him to come but he showed up and it might be the last time I ever see him again if he doesn't play his cards right.

"Hello Mr. Carter," I said to him and he smirked at me.

"Hello Ms. Knowles," he responded.

Soon my parents came over and as soon as they saw him, they smiled. They didn't like him when he was poor but now I guess he's acceptable to them. They are the worst people in life. Love shouldn't have a price tag on it.

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