Engagements II

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I looked in the mirror with blue sitting down on the floor beside my legs. I smiled and twirled around one time. I had finally found the dress. A smile spread across my face and my mother came up to me.

"This reminds me of the day I found my wedding dress,"

"How come?"

"I was just like you Beyonce, grinning hard and so giddy,"

I smiled, remembering the few pictures I had seen of her and my dad on their wedding day. He always made her smile, but lately I don't see it anymore. I looked in the mirror one last time and nodded my head.

"Jessica," I said calling on the person who was helping me.

"Yes miss,"

"I want this dress,"

"I'll ring it and pack it for you ma'am,"

After she finished doing that, I took the dress home and hid it where Jay nor blue would find it. My mom was still here, probably downstairs being nosy. I walked downstairs and she was looking at all of the pictures on the wall. It was various pictures of Jay, Blue and I.

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I could tell that her eyes were watering

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I could tell that her eyes were watering. She was showing some of emotion, an emotion I have never seen come from her. Until today I was convinced my mother had no heart unless it came to blue.

"You kept this?" she asked, pointing to the picture of her, Solo and I.

"Yeah ma, that's one of my favorite pictures,"

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"Yeah ma, that's one of my favorite pictures,"


"Because...all of us looked truly happy,"

"I was happy Bey. I am honestly so proud of you and Solange. I had the most messed up way of pushing you guys. I had it rough as a child and I wanted, I had to have better for you two,"

"I kind of understand ma, its all behind us now, I just want us to be happy and move forward,"

They hugged each other and Beyonce could tell Tina didn't want to let go. When she finally did they just smiled at each other. For once I felt actual love from my mother. The sound of a knock on the door caught my attention. I went to answer and there was Jay, holding blue in his arms along with numerous shopping bags.

"I told you that Blue and I have enough!" I said with a laugh.

"I'm going to spoil my two angels," he said kissing me on the forehead and walking further into our home.

"Hey Ms. Tina," he said and my mom smiled at him and immediately took Blue from him.

"I'm gonna take her with me so y'all can have some alone time," she said.

After a few minutes her and Blue were both gone and I looked at Jay.

"So what did you do today?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"Dress shopping babe,"

"Oh yea, did you find anything you liked?" he asked.

"Nah," I lied

"Baby, the wedding isn't far, you needa find something you like,"

"I will Jay,"

I kissed him on the lips and he kissed me back adding tongue.

"Hold up babe," he said gently pushing me off.

"What?" I asked with an attitude.

"I got an idea,"

"Tell me,"

"We need to get matching tattoos again, on our ring fingers,"

"Oh that would be cute but when?"

"Today, we have nothing else to do,"

"Alrighty then, lets go,"


"Ah Jay, I forgot this kinda hurt," I said while the guy was tattooing my ring finger. We decided to both get the roman numeral four on our ring fingers. We'd still get wedding bands but this was way more permanent.

"Bey you just a cry baby,"

"Forget you Jay," I said hoping this man would hurry the hell up.

Five minutes later we were done and my finger was hurting like hell. Jay looked fine though, I hate that bastard right now.

"Aww baby it's okay," He said kissing my forehead.

"Nah get off of me," I said jokingly.

"Nah, I'm good," he said.


Sorry its been so long and I know this chapter is some trash, its just a filler. Next chapter will be the wedding and then the book will soon be coming to an end!

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