Hello Past

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The tears streamed down my face as I sat in yet another therapist session. I had finally told her about Lyndell Locke and what he had done to me. He ravaged me, used my body without asking. Opening a door that he had no key to. Even now I can still feel his nasty hands crawling all over me and I feel disgusted with myself.

"Is that why you cut Beyoncé?" she asked me.

I nodded my head. It wasn't the only reason but it was one of the main reasons. I just wanted to be free of the constant thoughts of him in my head. If he ever came back, I don't have a clue what I'd do with myself. I tried pushing the thoughts of him coming back out of my head but it scares me.

"Well this is all for this session," she said to with a soft smile.

"Okay," I said to her dryly as I stepped out of her office.

I walked downstairs to and paid for my session, then walked out into the parking lot. As usual Jay was in the car waiting for me. He opened my door for me and then we sped off.

"How was the session?"

I sighed and just shrugged my shoulders. After almost every therapist session I'm usually drained and tired which why I don't speak much. I think he's become accustomed to it now.

When we got to the house I changed into some sweats and put my hair into a pony tail. I wiped off my makeup and grabbed my personal car keys.

"Where you going?" Jay asked me.
"To get blue,"

"Oh Okay, be safe and hurry back," he said and I smiled.

Each time he said that my heart warmed. He was letting me know he cared and I loved that feeling. Having someone care about you and love you is the most incredible feeling in the world. I kissed him on the cheek and walked out.

I sped off down the road, I was eager to see Blue. I missed her so much and my depression was keeping me from her. When I got there I rushed into the house and the person who stood before me made the air escape from my lungs.

"Hello Beyonce," he smoothly said.

"Tina and Matthew what the hell is he doing here?!" I yelled in anger.

My heart began to beat fast and my palms became sweaty.

"He's here for business," Matthew said to me.

"And what happened to calling us mom and dad?" he added.

"I don't care about all of that right now I just want him out of here,"

Solange and Tina came out of the kitchen with Blue following suit.

"What's all the commotion?" Tina asked.

"I need Lyndall Locke out of here now!" I yelled, tears filling my hazel eyes.

"But why sweetie? He's just here for business," Tina said.

Solange had a terrified look on her face. She knew all about what happened between Lyndall and I.

"He really has to go," Solange said, now standing next to me.

"I'm standing right here," Lyndall said sternly.

"Why are you even speaking?" Solo asked him. Her voice filled with rage.

"Everybody shut up!" Matthew yelled.

I've heard my dad yell before but never like this. His voice boomed throughout the room, sending a chill down my spine. I instantly stood straighter and pursed my lips.

"Now Beyonce, tell me what's wrong," he said.

My mouth opened but no words came out. Lyndall stared at me, as if he was daring me to say something. I was tired of living in fear of him but if I ever had to endure the pain he caused me again I just might die.

After moments of silence Solange sucked her teeth.

"He raped her!" Solo said sternly.

Now all eyes were on him. Thinking back on my teenage years a part of me thought nothing would be done. I started to just get Blue and walk out until I heard a loud crack. I looked up and my dad had punched Lyndall dead in his face. He didn't stop there though. He kept throwing blows left and right. Something in me felt that this wouldn't end until Lyndall was dead and that didn't bother me at all.

"Stop Matthew, you could end up in jail," my mother said.

None of that mattered to my father though. He kept going until Lyn couldn't fight back at all anymore. He lied on the floor moaning and groaning out in pain.

"If you ever come back here or near my daughter I will kill you," my father spat.

After a while Lyn was able to get up and he staggered out of the house. I was so proud that my father stood up for me. He truly was changing. They began asking me details but I refused to answer. I grabbed Blue and left. Eager to get home and lay in my bed.


"Daddy," Blue called out for me.

I got off of the couch and sat down next to her on the floor. She was playing with her dolls. Beyonce was in the room sleeping.

"Wassup baby girl,"

"Daddy what does rape mean?" she asked.

I was taken aback. Why is she asking me this.

"Where'd you hear that world Blue?"

"At grandma and granddaddy house. Auntie Solo said this man raped mommy,"

Immediately my body tensed up and my blood began to boil

"Blue don't worry about that okay, go up to your room and play with your xbox kinect ok,"

"Yes dad," she said smiling and running up the stairs.

I barged into our bedroom and saw Beyonce laying on the bed, staring off into space. I pounced on her, grabbing her wrists and pinning her down.

"Why didn't you tell me that nigga was there?" I asked her.

She gave me a confused look and sighed out.

"My dad nearly beat him half to death Jay, it's nothing to tell,"

"Beyonce I'm your soon to be husband! You should start telling me stuff,"

She scoffed.

"Ion see no ring on my finger," she hissed.

I grabbed the ring out of my pocket, it was supposed to be a surprise for her but forget it.

I put it on her finger.

"You ain't gonna ask me the proper way?" she asked with a big grin on her face.

"Nah ma, you mines regardless. I liked it so I just put a ring on it," I said kissing her on the cheek.

"You're so weird Jay but I love you,"

"Oh my god Beyonce, words can't describe all the love I have in my heart for you," I said kissing her gently on the lips.

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