You had me at Hello

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"Go down lower next time," Jay said to me.

I was doing squats at his home. He built a gym just for me to train in so I'd no longer have to go back to the place where that touchy trainer was. Ever since I won that pageant my parents have given me more freedom. I now have my own car, it's a matte black Mercedes that Matthew acquired for me the day after the pageant. Now I just tell them I'm going to some new gym uptown and thankfully they ask no questions and just let me go.

I still don't have much time for Jay though since I have to focus on school. Tina tells me I don't have to worry about it much as long as I keep my looks up. Matthew thinks differently and to be honest I agree with him. So I see Jay at lunch and when I train but that's really it.

"Okay Bey I think you should take a break now," he said to me.

"No it's way too early, my dad would at least have me go another hour," I told him.

He sucked his teeth.

"Your dad tried to work you like a slave,"

"Either way I still have to train the same...well better or they'll take away the little freedom they give me,"

"Okay bey well get on the tread mill, here's my Ipod," he said handing it to me.

I put in my wireless ear buds and connected it to his Ipod. I got on the treadmill and listened to music as I ran on the machine. Most of the music on his Ipod was his rap songs. He was really good. I don't see why we can't just run off and start a music career. He thinks it's stupid too and wants to keep his family's business booming. I understand but if he gets in my way I'll have to leave him behind too one day. I'd hate to have to do that though.

After an hour or so of being on the treadmill I got off and nearly passed out.

"Beyonce!" Jay yelled as he ran to catch me.

"I'm okay baby,"

"No you're not Beyonce, did you even eat this morning?" He asked sitting me down on a couch that he put in there.

"Nah, I don't usually eat before I train Jay, I have to keep losing weight,"

"They got you brainwashed Beyonce, Imma ask my mama to cook you something, stay down here and don't move!" he sternly said.

I laid down on the couch and relaxed. Relaxing is something I haven't done in a long while. I started to think about my life. I don't even remember playing much as a child. I just exercised and went to pageants. At first getting dressed up in those fancy dresses seemed fun but then it turned ugly really quick. Once I turned 13 I started developing and losing weight was easy but they hated my hips that were starting to form. When I entered in to pageants they started saying I was too fat and I couldn't enter. My dad would starve me and lock me up in the room and only let me out to exercise.

"My mom said the food is done,"

"Can you help me?" I asked him.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me upstairs to the dining room. His mom was sitting in one of the chairs and he sat me down right next to her.

"What's wrong with her?" Gloria, his mom, asked Jay.

"She's just really exhausted,"

"Well eat something baby," she said putting a plate of food in front of me. My mouth watered, I hadn't had food like that since the summer my grandmother took me down to Louisiana with her for a summer. I came back a little fatter and my parents never let me stay down there again.

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