On The Run

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I laid back in the back of Jay's old baby blue Camino. Out of all the cars he owns he chose this one for us to ride in. I love it though, it's so vintage and so authentic. Old classics always seemed to amaze me.

"Where to?" he asked me.

I looked at my phone and checked the time. It was 2:34 a.m. I snuck out last night and intended to spend my whole free weekend with Jay. My parents were away with Solo for some huge competition that I am glad I have no part in.

"Your house," I said and he smiled.

"Baby, we have a whole weekend together and you wanna stay cooped up at my house?" he asked.

"Well honey, where would you like to go?"

I contemplated on his question. I didn't exactly know where I wanted to go. All I truly knew was Houston. Of course I've been other places besides here but this is the only place I've truly had some type of fun at, and it was always with him. Then I thought about Louisiana, the summers with my Grandmother. She is still alive and I haven't seen her in so long because of Tina.

"Jay, I'd like to go to Louisiana,"

"Why Louisiana?" he asked and I started smiling. Memories of Lousiana makes me so happy.

"Because I used to spend summers there with my grandmother. She was the sweetest nicest woman you could ever meet,"

"She must be, because you have to get your sweetness from her,"

"Oh hush Jay," I said blushing.

The drive wasn't too long. It was a little over four hours. I looked at my phone for the time once again. It was now 6:52 a.m. It was a little too early just to be knocking on her door so we got a hotel room, under fake names of course. We lied and said we had just gotten married so they put is in a little honeymoon suite.

"This is so beautiful!" I yelped hopping on the bed and messing up the pretty petals that were on it

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"This is so beautiful!" I yelped hopping on the bed and messing up the pretty petals that were on it.

"Whats beautiful is you," he said to me.

My heart began to race and my knees grew weak.

This felt right, being with Jay is what feels right. We are young but despite what people say, he is the love of my life. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. I noticed a tear fall from him and it fell right onto my nose. We both did a light chuckle.

"Why u crying for baby boy?" I asked him.

"I don't know Bey, it's just when I'm with you the feeling I feel is indescribable. You give me a high I've never felt before and I love you for that. You forgive me and see past every flaw. You're just amazing Giselle,"

I couldn't say anything. His words were so sweet and he had rendered me speechless. All I could do now was continue to show him how much I appreciate him. I wanted him to always feel loved by me.

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