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I crawled through the bushes, making my way to his backyard. No one would be home except him and I needed a break from my house. A white ladder caught my eye, I used it to climb up to his window that he already had opened wide enough for me to crawl in. He was on the bed, fiddling around with his cell phone. The moment he saw me, he smiled warmly at me and I gently kissed his juicy lips. I sat down next to him in his bed and he wrapped his arms around my body.

"I missed you bey," he said as he inhaled my scent, while rubbing his fingers through my hair.

"I missed you even more," I said to him, kissing his cheek.

"I have something I really wanna ask you," he said.

"What is it?"

"Well, come down stairs, I have a surprise,"

I followed him downstairs to his basement. There were rose petals everywhere and slow music playing on the radio. The song was "Beast of Burden" by the Rolling Stones. It made me smile because it was one of my all time favorite songs and Shawn knew that. Only he really knew that.

We walked further into the basement and he had rose petals spreading out on the floor saying "I love you baby," and "Will you marry me?"

"Are you serious?" I asked him, my heart beating so fast.

"Yes Beyonce, I know we're young, but I'm ready to give you all of me," he said, dropping down on one knee and holding the most beautiful engagement ring in a black velvet box.

"Of Course I'll Marry You Shawn!"

He quickly slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me. The kiss lasted for what seemed like forever. I love him so much, I can't wait to be Mrs. Shawn Carter.

When I woke up this morning everything seemed so different. Jay was laying in bed next to me and Blue was in between us. They were both snoring lightly and he had is arms wrapped tightly around her in such a protective manner. It made me smile so much, looking at the family Jay and I have created together.

"Wake up you guys," I said to them, shaking them lightly.

"Bey, why you waking us up so early?" Jay asked in between yawns.

"I just want all of us to spend the day together and plus I want to start my wedding dress shopping early,"

"Ight, where you tryna go with blueberry today?"

"I'm not sure, maybe to the skating rink or something,"

"Oh yeah she loves it there, like the one we took Solo too, the glow in the dark one,"

"Yes that one," I said smiling, remembering when him solo and I all went there when we were teenagers.

"And after that we should probably go out to eat at Gino's"

'Yes they have the best Italian food ever, and Blue loves there Gelato,"

"I guess this sounds like a plan,"

I smiled at him and kissed his forehead. I grabbed Blue and of course she stayed asleep. I bathed her and when she finally woke up I told her to choose some clothes to wear. She picked out a black and cream colored top with black leggings and a black tutu skirt. She had become obsessed with wearing these as of lately. She paired them with some black and creme colored Chanel flats. I pulled out a little bomber jacket because it's kind of chilly outside and she gets cold easily.

"How you want your hair done Blue baby?"

"I don't know mama, maybe a bun or something,"

"Hmm, I'll give you a halo braid okay,"

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