All Night

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We made our way down the old road that was near my house. It led to an enchanting lake where I'd spend most of my summers when I wasn't training. Everything about it was beautiful. This would be Jay's first time coming here. We wanted to begin to make memories together and this would be one of them, a beautiful one.

 We wanted to begin to make memories together and this would be one of them, a beautiful one

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"This is beautiful," Jay said in amazement.

"Yes, I love it," I said to him.

"How'd you find it?" Jay asked her while staring down at the caved in lake.

"One day I was running with my dad. We came upon it and we took a break. He sat down and it was the first and last time he spent time with me and got to know me for a minute," I said to him reminiscing on that time we spent together.

"Lets jump in," he said.

Before I could respond he grabbed my hand and pulled me down with him. I almost drowned but he held tightly to me. We swam together while holding hands. Everything seemed so perfect, too perfect actually. I hated when things were like this, something always came and ruined everything. Like the calm before the storm.

When we got out our clothes were soaking wet. If anyone other than Jay had did that I'd be pissed. Especially since it ruined my silk Armani blouse. I sucked my teeth and ran my fingers through my now curled hair.

"Jay you ruined my hair and blouse," I said dryly.

"Just fix it when you get to my house," he said and I just nodded my head.

I looked at Jay, something was different. Before today we hadn't spent much time together. My once perfect man began to seem flawed. I couldn't put my finger on it but he was up to something. He was probably cheating but a part of me didn't care. I was going to stay regardless because I loved him way too much.

He looked at his phone and started chuckling. He responded back to whomever he was texting with a wide grin on his face. I shook my head and began to walk down the road and go home. He didn't catch up with me, he didn't try to follow me. I walked into my home, happy my parents were out of town and Solange was staying with a friend.

I sat down on my bed and I felt tears come down my face. I didn't even know that I had to cry. Being vulnerable and emotional wasn't me but I let the tears continue to fall either way. "Unbreak my Heart" began to play on my phone which did nothing but hurt me more.

What did I do wrong? Where did we go wrong? Who is the other girl? All those questions ran through my mind. My heart racing, I ran out of my home, locking the door behind me. I got in my car and drove straight to Jays house. His mom's car wasn't in the driveway and his car was there, along with an unfamiliar black Audi.

I walked to the front door, it was unlocked. I tiptoed around, making my way to his living room. On his grey leather couch there was my boyfriend and another girl. He was sucking gently on her neck. I hid behind another couch and moved so I could still have a good view of them. Taking out my phone I began to record them. He removed her blouse and ripped off her short blue miniskirt.

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