You are My Rock...Dance For You

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"Come on babe it'll be fun!" I yelled to Jay as I waded in the water.

"No the water is probably ice cold bey,"

"Aw you're no fun," I said swimming closer to the edge where you can finally see my waist.

He stared at me with lust filling his eyes. I know he was looking at my boobs.

"I still can't believe you're skinny dipping in the lake," he said to me and I rolled my eyes.

"I barely have any fun Jay, you've gotta live a little," I said to him.

He pulled me out of the water and covered me in a blanket. He gently kissed my lips. He tasted so sweet. I loved moments like this, they were so intimate, just me and him. Me and my JayJay.

"Where we going to next?" I asked him as I noticed the sun rising. We had came out here at around 2 a.m. I just told my parents I was going to do early training. Of course he believed me because he was used to me working my a## of for some trophies.

"I'm not really sure," I said to him.

"I'd love to get some food," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I have a pageant in a few months gotta keep my weight down,"

"Doesn't mean you can't eat," He said grabbing my hand.

He walked me to his car and we drove to this small breakfast place. I'd been here with him a few times before. They have amazing food, I rarely eat when we're here though. Eating is a struggle for me personally. It's like I have to fight with my brain. I keep telling myself to eat but my brain says no not today.  I sighed out and just let jay order our food.

"I'd like some waffles, eggs, bacon, a creme filled donut and a cup of coffee," Jay said to the waitress.

"Is that all sir?" she asked in a thick southern accent.

"No I'd like the same thing for my shawty here," he said and I blew my breath. He knows I won't eat all of that.

"Ok sir, your order will be ready in 20 minutes," she said and then she walked off.

"Jay, I didn't want food," I said to him and he rolled his eyes.

"You gotta eat Bey, your parents really messed your head up,"

I guess he's right. Eating should be a normal part of life but it's not for me. My parents brainwashed me into thinking that eating was bad, food was only a reward for winning pageants. When our food finally came it honestly looked so delicious. I slowly forced the food down my throat. It took me over an hour to eat my meal but it was good and it was progress. I ate it, before I wouldn't have even tried.

Afterwards Jay took me to his house. His mom wasn't home so it was just me and him. I wanted to show him I thankful I am for him. He has been my rock, my superhero through everything I've gone through. We walked upstairs to his bedroom, which was so clean but that's just how Jay was.

"Sit down baby," I said seductively to him.

He did as I said and stared me up and down. I looked deeply into his eyes.

"I just wanna show you how much I appreciate you,"

"Oh you do?'" he asked in a sexy husky voice.

"Show you how much I'm dedicated to you," I sang out.

I kissed his lips and pulled off his shirts. I then sat down on his lap and started grinding.

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