somethings never change

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I sit down at the kitchen table and realize that I've been out of school for over a week now and wonder how I could've let myself go this badly. A few years ago, I would've hated missing even one day of school but now I don't care. I just hate being lazy. However now I have much bigger things to worry about. My teachers are pretty understanding of my situation so they let me do most of my school work at home. Still, I should probably go in tomorrrow and make an appearance so I can keep up my grades. I ponder on this thought. I turn and look at Soda sleeping on the couch and wonder who will be able to take care of him while I'm at school and while Darry and Steve are at work. Two-Bit maybe? What other sixteen year old has to worry about this stuff? I'm dragged out of my thoughts when I hear a hard knock on the front door. I stand up, nervously, no one ever knocked. I open the door as quickly as I can so I could come face to face with the person. Also I opened it quickly so I wouldn't accidentally end up waking Soda. Cherry is standing in front of me, a mess of tears and running makeup, god did she ever wear so much makeup. "Cherry, what the hell is going on?" I ask, taking in the bruises on her frail wrists and on her cheek. I guess not a lot has changed with her. She took Bob's death hard, but even before his death she tended to date the mean rich kids. "Which asshole was it this time?" Cherry's sobs get louder and I shut the door behind me and lead her down to the top step of the porch. I sit down and she sits next to me before she leans against my shoulder. I lift up my arm and pull her into a gentle hug, my tall frame towering over her small one. This happens more often then one would think. Cherry has a history of coming to me in tears after some jerk hits her or tries to take advantage of her and it makes me sick to my stomach. Most of the time the guys were drunk but she'll never tell me who it was that hurt her because she knows I would punch their lights out. Cherry thinks she doesn't deserve anyone better than those drunks but she does, she really does. She deserves everyone's very best. Cherry is kind and sweet and understanding and none of those monsters are worth her time. They are as worthless as the shit someone would find on the bottom of their shoes. "Why do you keep hanging around these scumbags?" I ask but receive no answer. She never answers that question. I feel Cherry shaking next to me so I unzip my sweatshirt and I put it around her shoulders. I've learned that nothing can calm Cherry down in situations like this so you just have to wait it out and be there for support. I hate watching people fall apart. It happens every day. I push that thought away. Things will get better. "It's okay. It'll get better, I promise. I'm right here with you." I say, rubbing small circles on her back to try and comfort her. "Just tell me who did this and I'll put an end to it all. You can't keep letting them do this to you. They're monsters." Cherry smiles sadly. "I guess things are bad on both sides of the sunset after all, Pony." She says softly and I'm taken back to the night on the hill before the rumble. After that, I become lost in my thoughts and can't bring myself to say anything more. Eventually, Cherry takes a deep breath and wipes her eyes on my T-shirt. She stands up, pulls me up after her, and we walk into the kitchen together. Cherry sits down in a chair and puts her head on the table and I do what I always used to do when one of us are upset, I make us some hot chocolate. I bring our mugs over to the table a few minutes later and we head up to my room and sit on the floor. Cherry leans against me and I reach up and grab my copy of the catcher and the rye. I just got this one from the library. I open the book and begin reading the first chapter aloud. We sit on the floor, reading and drinking our hot chocolate together like we usually do and I feel so at ease. Suddenly, I have a thought and I stop reading."Cherry, you're it." I say.
"I'm what?" She asks, looking up at me."The last best friend I've got. I couldn't handle it if I lost you too. Please stop hanging around those guys." I say with a heavy heart. "I promise I'll be okay, Ponyboy." She says, squeezing my hand. Somehow, I just don't believe her but I keep reading anyway, trying to hold onto the last shred of normalcy and routine I have left in my life.


When I wake up to the jarring sound of my alarm clock at seven thirty in the morning, I'm lying on the floor next to Cherry but there is a wall of pillows between us. The gang knows about Cherry's whole situation and Darry is fine with Cherry staying the night. Still, Darry manages to be very overprotective even though he knows Cherry and I ain't romantic or anything like that. I stretch my arms out in front of me before I throw back the covers and start walking to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and I fix my hair before I head back to my room and I throw on a T-shirt and a clean pair of jeans. I grab my backpack off the floor and I rush down the stairs and into the kitchen where I write a note to Darry. Darry, I have to go to school today. Please ask Two-Bit to stay with Soda. Love, Ponyboy. I leave the note on the kitchen counter and then I make two pieces of toast and butter them. I run back upstairs, my backpack rustling noisily against my shirt, and shake Cherry awake gently. "Cherry, can you give me a ride to school?" I ask, knowing very well that she wouldn't be going in today. She rubs her eyes and nods and I smile before I give her a piece of toast. "Thanks." I say, running downstairs and out the door to her car. A few minutes later, she walks out the front door and climbs into the driver's seat and we're on our way to school. When we get there, I squeeze Cherry's hand. "Hey, have a good day today." I say and she smiles.
"I will, you too. I might stop by later. Bye, Pony." She says, waving at me. I get out of the car and watch her drive away. In a great mood, I turn around and am about to head into school when a guy I've never seen before, definitely a Soc. My stomach turns to ice as he takes a step closer. I whirl around and about to take off down the street when he digs the knife into my side. It's funny how you don't feel the blade enter or exit. You only feel the pain when you look at the wound. black spots dot in front of my eyes. "This is your first warning, don't go near her again. Welcome to life in Tulsa, buddy." He says, laughing to himself a little before he pockets the blade and walks into school.

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