Steve can never be forgotten

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Steve's P.O.V
I walk quietly to the doorway of Ponyboy and Soda's room and see Ponyboy curled up in a ball, fast asleep. Even from here, I could tell he was in a lot of pain. I mean i had to save the little guy. I may not love him but he needed help. I look next to him and see Soda sitting on the edge of the bed, sobs racking through his body. Soda bites his fist to try and keep quiet but I can see that he is losing it. I haven't been the same since I got back from that hell either and I think seeing all of this just confirms why I had to do it. I called Social Services and they would be here by tomorrow. I slink away with guilt and regret coursing through my veins before I walk out of the Curtis household and decide that maybe it would be better if I stayed away for a while. I was going to hurt my best friend but soda would understand. He was so close of doing it himself, soda was scared of what he could do. Soda hurt pony once, and once he heard about Curly the guilt was so far worse. Soda and me were different. We both knew it, we both also knew we were playing a game with pony's heart and mind.

Pony's P.O.V
When I wake up the bed is empty and I sigh in relief. I don't know if I could handle seeing Soda just yet. He terrified me. He was almost back to his normal self well as close as he could. I don't think the old soda even exist anymore. That soda was dead. I sit up slowly with an aching pain in my side and I suddenly feel dizzy. The pain was still sharp, it was gonna hurt. Something isn't right here. I stand up and run to the bathroom and I almost don't make it in time to the toilet before I throw up. There's nothing in my stomach to throw up because I haven't eaten a lot in the last few days or should I saw months. However i still I can't stop dry heaving. Suddenly something warm and metallic runs through the back of my throat and I throw it up into the toilet. I begin to panic when I realize it's blood. My blood. A lot of it, too. I lean against the wall and wipe my mouth weakly before I begin to cry. I was dying. I had internal bleeding. Darry has to know about this but he can't. "Ponyboy, the agency is here!" Darry calls from downstairs but I can't bring myself to answer. "Pony, come downstairs please!" I hear Darry say, his voice trembling and when I don't answer, I hear Darry's footsteps coming up the stairs and I begin to panic. I'm about to shut the bathroom door but Darry reaches it first. "Ponyboy !" Darry yells, taking in the scene. "SODA!" he screams and Soda limps up the stairs one at a time with the help of his crutches. Darry blocks Soda from entering the room so he doesn't freak out and says with a shaking voice, "I need you to call an ambulance right now." "Darry, what's going on?" He asks. "SODA, DO IT NOW!" Darry yells and I see Soda flinch from my position on the ground. "Is it Ponyboy?"Soda asks, trying to push past Darry. Why does soda still care about me? "Soda, please!" Darry says, desperation in his voice. Soda nods and hurries back downstairs to the kitchen. Darry turns back to me before he sits on the floor and scoops me up into his arms. "Ponyboy, help is on the way, it's alright. You're okay." He says, rocking me back and forth. I cry into his shoulder, completely overwhelmed and panicked. "What's going on here?" A man's voice asks before he appears in the doorway, looking very official and business. I guess he's the man from the agency.
"Luke, something is wrong with my little brother and I don't know what. I came in here and he had blood dripping out of his mouth and I had Soda call an ambulance. This really isn't a great time, can we have this meeting later?" Darry asks, running his hand through my hair comfortingly. "I'm sorry but I'm afraid I'll have to investigate this so I'll be going with you to the hospital." he says, making a note in his notebook. Darry lets his head fall backwards and hits it against the wall in frustration. He hit his head hard. I jumped back a little and let out a sound of pain. "I don't mean to sound rude but why are you here? We weren't due for a visit for a few more weeks." He asks, holding me more comfortably. "We got a complaint from an anonymous caller and we were asked to come out for an early visit and I'm glad they called because, so far, this visit isn't going your way." he says. Suddenly we hear the front door open and the sound of heavy footsteps. "He's upstairs." I hear Soda say and then the paramedics come rushing upstairs with a stretcher. The agency man, luke, jumps out of the way and three men enter the room. "What's the problem here?" The first man asks, kneeling down next to Darry and I. "Well, my little brother here..." Darry begins but I tune out. My heart starts beating faster at the thought of having to go to the hospital. A second man kneels down and starts taking my vitals but stops when he sees the expression on my face. "Hey, you're going to be okay. We don't move and I promise we'll take good care of you." He says and I wipe a tear off my face. I hate crying in front of strangers, but most of all I hate crying in front of Darry. "A switchblade?" I hear the third guy ask and Darry nods. "My guess is internal bleeding then. Let's get going." The funny thing is, I was less worried about the words interrnal bleeding than I was about what luke was writing down in his book when I looked over. he looked somehow content as if he had finally found what he came for. Darry shifts positions and let the three guys put me on the stretcher. "Darry!" I say, reaching out for him as I'm lifted off the ground. I grab a hold of his strong calloused hand. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I'm going to ride in the ambulance with you." He says but somehow I'm not comforted by his words. I swallow the lump in my throat and close my eyes, trying to push away all of my anxiety and my feelings. . I feel myself being carried down the stairs and I start to shake. I don't want to go to the hospital. "Ponyboy?" Soda questions and I open my eyes. "Soda, I'm okay. Don't worry about me." I tell him but I can see him start to lose his cool. I'm taken out the front door and I want to go back. Soda needs me.

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