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Hey guys! To start off, this is my second book and if your wondering where's the first one, it's just there. Please read it! Also, I'll be updating whenever I find time. I'll just tag some people _missunicorn_ Daughter_of-Athena This chapter is dedicated for you two! I'm sorry if my stories suck!

Aquarius hopped in Virgo's neat car at the passenger seat while he heard the groans of his sister, Sagittarius, who was complaining on how she rarely sit at the shot gun seat. Aqua just chuckled and rolled his eyes, "You sat shot gun yesterday, Sag. It's my turn right now!" He said while sticking his tongue out which Sag playfully poked. Sagittarius made a disgusted face before wiping her finger across Aqua's shirt. "You guys are so disgusting." Virgo mumbled. "We're siblings, siblings are like that!" Aquarius argued. "And annoying too. Can it get any better?" Virgo added. "Excuse you, Virgo."


"Who's that?" Aquarius asked, curiosity overwhelming him. "It's Taurus!" Aquarius' gaze reached the tall girl and smiled. "Hop on! We're going to Libra's!" He said before adding, "And we have food too!" Taurus' eyes lit up and she ran towards Virgo's car and hopping inside, beside Sagittarius. "Where's the food!?" Taurus asked frantically. Sagittarius held the bag of McDonalds up high and tossed it to Aquarius, who was sticking his tongue out again. "C'mon, guys! I'm hungry!" Taurus complained. Aquarius tossed it to Virgo who caught it using his mouth. Taurus snatched it away and started digging fries in her mouth, and she finished it in one going. Just kidding.

"Libra's going to be mad if we don't get there on time, guys. Where the hell is Scorpio!?!" Virgo mumbled. "Geez, calm down! I'm here already!" Scorpio mumbled annoyingly before hopping inside. Virgo sighed and started the engine, the car making annoying sounds before exiting their garage.

Aries' POV

"Where are those teenage dirtbags?!" I seethed out. I heard Leo chuckle next to me, but I made her shut up by glaring. You know, I'm pretty damn good at making people shut up. Woah, sorry for my language. Hope it's okay with you guys! (Yep. There will be profanity in this book so I'm deeply sorry if you don't like cussing)

I heard the sound of a car sliding across the street. I looked up from my phone and saw that it was the teenage dirtbags. Virgo pulled up and fist bumped me and Leo. He was wearing black jeans, a red sweater, and white converse, he topped it with deep black sunglasses resting on his head. I heard arguing inside the car and moments later, Aquarius hopped off wearing black skinny jeans, a white shirt under a black jacket, and black shoes. Beside Aqua was his sister, Sagittarius. Her blonde hair fits perfectly with her style. She's wearing a white shirt under jean jackets, black skinny jeans like her brother, and a grey beanie.

Then two thumps was heard before Taurus hopped off glaring at Scorpio. Taurus was wearing blue jeans, a white blouse, and red converse shoes. Stood far from her is Scorpio, who's wearing his typical 'Bad Boi' style. And that styles includes all black like Aqua, but he's hair is black and Aqua's hair is clearly a brunette.

"Hey guys!" Leo greeted, her eyes still on the Scorpion. I cleared my throat before Leo can reach anywhere else. "Libra and the others are inside, people. Let's move on!" I said and led them inside Libra's huge flat.

After a multiple of turns, we reached the living room where the others sat. "Glad to see you guys here! C'mon, were setting up a movie. Get comfortable!" Libra greeted us with a soft voice and a warm smile. Sagittarius rolled her eyes and whispered something at Aqua's ear, making him smile and whisper back. Sagittarius caught me watching and smirked. "Well, me and my little brother will get the ice cream and order pizza." Sag said. Aqua nodded and pulled out his phone, dialing someone, and the siblings both rushed to the kitchen.

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