My Walls Broke Down ~Aquarius x Sagittarius

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Requested by: @Flame103


I stared at those beautiful blue orbs and smiled cheekily. Sagittarius let out a whimper and smiled bigger, nudging my sides for more effect. I puffed my cheeks to contain my laughter before I lost it and clutched my stomach and fell on the ground. I doubled in laughter when Sag fell on top on me and rolled to my sides. I was still giggling when I looked over to him with wide eyes.

"Ha! I won and you lost!" Sagittarius yelled triumphantly while straddling my hips. I blushed and pushed him off of me and rolled my eyes, giving him a dollar. "Now I'm all broke! It's all your fault!" I glared at him and without thinking, I pounced at him. We fell on the soft blue carpet and struggled for dominance.

I won the fight and is now laying on top of Sagittarius, our faces only inches apart. I blushed and let out a breathe, making him shudder below me. I smirked and almost got up when I was pulled down again, letting Sag close the space between us.

My eyes widened and I immediately kissed back and pulled the roots of his blonde hair. He moaned in pleasure and I kissed him back stronger, sucking his lip ring and that caused him to moan even louder. I smiled in the kiss and was about to put my tongue in when he abruptly pushed me, making me land on my bum.

I gasped and looked at him in surprise. "S-Sagittarius?" I whimpered as he shut the door loudly. I stared at the place he was laying on before letting out a loud sigh. I felt hot tears run down my cheek and that only got me angrier. I pushed my bookshelf and let the books fly around my room as the shelf slammed onto my floor.

My eyes were blurry and I couldn't think straight when I felt my head get slammed. I gasped and fell on the ground, sobbing. My head hurt a lot, but what hurt more is my heart. I lost my control and began trashing my room, throwing things all over my place from anger.

I slowly touched my head and clenched my eyes close when I saw blood in my hands. My body began to feel numb and darkness overtook my mind. My eyes fluttered close and the last thing I heard was the shouts of my all-to-familiar friend.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

My eyes opened hastily and looked around the unfamiliar room. There was several cords connected in me and I almost cried again. I closed my eyes and tried to remember everything that happened before the accident. I felt a tear stream down my cheek and I hurriedly wiped it away, afraid of anyone seeing my walls break down.

Sagittarius. The person that can't leave me alone, the person that was always in mind everywhere I go, the person that encouraged me to live my life. I guess I just let my walls break down whenever I was with him. He's the only one who could see me cry, the only one who could stop me from doing any thing stupid. The one that knows my secret.

"Hey Sagittarius?" I asked him while playing with his blonde hair. He smiled and cupped my cheeks, "Yes Aquie?"

I giggled when I heard my nickname. He first named me that after hearing me sneeze in the middle of saying my name. He smiled fondly and used that nickname ever since.

"Look, this is a confidentiality. Don't tell anyone, don't tell your parents, don't tell your friends, okay?" He nodded and I looked at the starry night, closing my eyes and preparing for the worst to happen.

"I have a secret," I started. He looked at me with wide eyes and smiled encouragingly. I felt a warm feeling inside of me but ignored it, "I-I... I have a secret. The only ones who know this w-was my p-p-p.... parents." I sighed loudly and wiped the tears that already began to fall. "As you knew, my p-parents died a long time ago. But before that, we were actually a happy family. My parents loved me with all their heart and all their mind and got me everything I needed. But one night, they died." I looked at Sagittarius and saw him looking at me confusedly.

"You already told me that, love." And there it is again, the same warm feeling inside. I looked at him guiltily.

"The reason they died... it's because of me." More tears strolled my cheeks when Sag's jaw dropped open and his eyes wide in shock. He closed it and began to say something when I shook my head.

"It was an accident. See, I had this rare and uncommon syndrome. Whenever something bad happened, I literally become a monster. I tend to throw things at everyone, I actually hurt myself. I-I... I yell every time I get mad and throw everything I see, like glass or beds or... people. I got made because my parents were yelling at each other, and you know that I get mad easily. I also had some anger issues and that happened everyday, every freakin day. But that night, I can't focus on what I was reading because my parents were yelling. So without thinking, I went downstairs. I didn't feel myself, I had no control on what I was doing. Before I knew it, I was sobbing beside my parents. I apparently threw the mirror at them, causing it to shatter and piercing their head and chests. Everything after that was a blur but I found myself in the hospital. They told me I broke down and fainted, and also announced my p-p... parents d-d-dea-... dead. And it was all my fault."

I was full on sobbing. Sagittarius' hands were running up and down my back to trying and soothe me, and it worked. I found out that whenever I had my tantrums, he's the one that could only calm me and get me to sleep.

And he was there for me through my darkest nights. And maybe he would not be there for me anymore.


I snapped my eyes closed. After a while, the space beside me was pushed down and I knew who it was, Sagittarius.

"I'm so sorry, Aqua. I just... I just... I was shocked, you know? I can't help but feel this warm tingling feeling inside of me whenever I see you and when we you do the slightest things. I find myself smiling and I guess my friends noticed it too, cause they questioned me if I liked you. I declined but was I so wrong! When you got off me, I kissed you because I want to know if you liked me back. And you did, and I was very happy. The feeling was... incredible! But when you started to put your tongue in, I felt unprepared. I never snogged anyone and I thought that I might fail you, so I ran away. I got to my car and drove mindlessly, and when I was about to park my car at the club, Capricorn called. She told me that you were at the hospital, and I know why. I love you Aquarius and I can't help falling for you." He said and gripped my hand tighter.

"Don't fall in love with me because everything that falls breaks. So don't fall, be strong and say I love you." I replied with a smile on my face.

He smiled back, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Heyy :) I don't think there is any syndrome for that cause I just made that up, too lazy to search for some facts. But anyway, hoped you liked it!

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