Graduation Day

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Hey guys! I'm finally going to graduate tomorrowand going to Junior High School now!!! I'm so excited, and maybe a little nervous. I decided to switch the genders since I found out that I've been keeping the genders for too long. Hope it's okay for you :)

Boys: Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio , Capricorn, Aquarius
Girls: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces

[Third Person's POV]

Aries finally curled the last part of her hair and grabbed the spray, spraying the chemicals into her hair. They've been practicing for the last two weeks for graduation day and today was the day they're going to move on with their lives. She already planned out everything she wants to fulfill in the future, provably go to a decent university and get a career. Then maybe work at Starbucks or McDonalds after school so that she'll have at least money to buy her own needs, then she'll become a politics graduate and hopefully become a lawyer.

She got the black graduation robe from her closet and ironed it a bit before putting it over her red dress that she decided to wear underneath. She grabbed her phone and wore her graduation hat, picking up her car keys and locking the apartment door.

She decided to call Leo, the song 'Salute' by Little Mix playing in the radio. "Hey Leo!" She greeted when the grey-eyed girl picked the ring up. "Oh hey Aries! I'm at school already, if you want to know—" She answered, "Is that Salute playing!?!" Of course, being a Little Mix fan, Leo shrieked and sang along, making Aries laugh. "Yeah dumbass!" Aries replied, chuckling right after. Unaffected, Leo decided to ignore the name and started talking about what to wear under the robe. "I like the pink one better, it looks good with your hair." Aries answered while parking her car in the school parking lot.

"Thanks Ari! See you there and bye bye!" Leo pressed the end call and drove her way to school, the last day she will be seeing 'The Living Hell'.

Since it was still pretty early, Aries decided to have a little nap.

After the students receive their diplomas...

Each one of the signs went up on stage to receive their diplomas, saying thank you to their teachers on the way back to their seats. Well, everyone except for Scorpio. He strutted on the way back to his chair with a smug look plastered on his face, ignoring the glares he received from his teachers. "And lastly, Pisces" the Principal said. She nervously walked on stage and did a curtsy before all of the students clapped mildly.

When the President of the school is doing his speech, Sagittarius decided to mess around a bit. "Hey Scorp, be my partner in crime for the day?" She asked the boy beside her. He smirked and gave her a firm nod, leaning over so that Sagittarius could tell him the plan.

"I'll drag Cancer and Pisces in this one, is that okay?" She whispered. Scorpio nodded and gestured her to continue, "So the plan is..."

After finishing explaining Scorpio the plan, the two excused themselves to the bathrooms. Well, not really excused but more like of sneaking themselves out. While one the way, Scorpio made sure to grab Pisces and Cancer with them, placing his hand over their mouths to keep them from shouting. When they entered the lobby, Pisces harshly ripped Scorpio's hand from her face and gave him a furious glare. "What the hell was that for!?" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air to exaggerate things. "Oh c'mon Pi! You know you want to move your legs since we've been sitting there for 4 hours straight! Keeping yourself entertained isn't a crime, is it?" Scorpio innocently asked, making Pisces roll her eyes in pure disbelief.

"Sagittarius must be here already in any second now," Scorpio declared, "She's ordering pies." Cancer, who stayed quiet the whole time, finally spoke. "Wait, you could order pies? I didn't know that! Pi, we should do that next time!" He said enthusiastically. Suddenly, the lobby doors busted open and the three of them are wondering why the teachers didn't caught them yet. "I have the pies!!!" Sagittarius declared whilst giving the three of them a good amount of pies to be thrown.

"And why are we here again?" Pisces asked, clearly disappointed. "Because, we need Cancer to tell the teachers, or anyone, that there would be a special surprise coming from selective students while you— yes you Pisces! needs to help us pie everyone and tell the others what's going on so that they could join the fun." Sagittarius explained. Giving up, Pisces let out a heavy sigh, "Wish this is worth it." she muttered.

When the clock hit 4, Cancer rushed inside and basically stopped the whole ceremony. "Excuse me Cancer!" One teacher yelled but he ignored it, going up the front and giving the MC a sweet smile before taking the microphone from her hands. "Hey guys! So we're officially graduated and selective students, like me, have a special surprise for you! So, this is a secret surprise so may everyone please close their eyes, including the teachers and the administrators?" She checked if everyone closed their eyes and rushed to go back in the lobby.

She signaled Scorpio and he ran inside with pies in hand. Sagittarius, Pisces, and even Cancer joined in and ran inside, almost dropping to the floor of laughter since seeing everyone shrieking and the teachers trying to catch who started it. Teachers are such idiots....

Pisces quickly went over to Aquarius and told him what's going on. He smirked and helped her tell the others, grabbing some extra pie from the floor and throwing it everywhere. Libra, being himself, tried to stop the chaos but just gave up  at the end. Gemini quickly pulled out her phone, which she kept inside her pocket, and started to video everything. And as for Virgo, since he's the Student President, tried to settle everything down. And which he failed at, making Capricorn laugh and offer him to throw a pie.

"C'mon Vi! It's the last day, it's graduation, were never coming back! What could go wrong?! We already have our diplomas and we don't need these robes!" Capricorn insisted. Seeing the mess already been done, Virgo smiled and throwed the pie at the President. Gasping, Capricorn laughed and threw left over pies. And as for Taurus, she started to sit at the ground and eat the pies, completely blocking everything around her except for the pies.

And that's the bets graduation day ever.

Aries woke up in shock, looking everywhere to see that she's still since her car. Sighing, she checked the time and her eyes almost popped out from the sockets considering the ceremony was just about to start. Gaping, she quickly shut the doors of her car and ran inside the school.

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