Short Story: This is like a Q&A chap

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Aries: Gemini, Joe's looking for you outside

Gemini: He just wants me to join him for a Mail Opening video or that

Aries: ...still

Gemini: No Aries!

Aries: Joe said the fans has something for you to!

Gemini: Oh, really?!

Aries: Yeah -_-

Aquarius: Can I say my line? Yes? Okay. ITS A WHALE!

Gemini: *dashes outside*

Taurus: Can anyone help me making my new Snapchat video?

Cancer: I volunteer as tribute!

Taurus: Okay... Cancer, what are you doing?

Cancer: Is it wrong to cover the camera?

Taurus: Forget it, you idiot.

Cancer: I can't do this job! Aqua, your a good photographer!

Aquarius: No

Taurus: Aqua please!

Aquarius: *le sigh* fine.

Sagittarius: Should I try dying my hair to blue again?

Leo: No... I like your hair. It's so colorful!

Sagittarius: I think I should...

Leo: No!

Sagittarius: fine fine

Libra: I agree with Leo. Your hair looks so colorful and vibrant!

Virgo: Hold up! Is this turning to a fashion chapter?

Scorpio: I'm not agreeing with that, no no

Taurus: I bought Nando's!

Pisces: Did anyone see my new book that I bought?

Virgo: Which book?

Pisces: Um... the Harry Potter one?

Virgo: ....I might have accidentally kept it in my library

Pisces: The huge library or the mini one?

Virgo: Sorry Pi but it was the huge one

Pisces: Oh wow -_-

Capricorn: Can I ask something?

Aquarius: Go ahead.

Capricorn: Which one do you like most, Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?

Sagittarius: Harry Potter!!!

Aquarius: I like both.... I say both!

Aries: I like Percy more since he's a demigod and all but wands are amazing!

Gemini: Well since this is like turning to a Q&A chapter, I have a question! Who is your favorite member in One Direction, 5SOS, and Little Mix?

Aries: In 1D, I don't like them but I really love their songs. In 5SOS though... I like Luke, or Ashton, I like all of them. In Little Mix, I love Perrie but Jade though!

Taurus: I love Niall but I have a soft spot for Liam too. In 5SOS, Ashton...yes Ashton. In Little Mix, I love Leigh-Anne!

Gemini: I love Harry Styles! And maybe Louis too but... I like them together! In 5SOS, I don't really like any of them but I have this phase when I once liked Ashton. Little Mix, I don't know... all of them, is that aloud? Wait, why am I answering my own question?

Cancer: I don't really like any of One Direction...uh. In 5SOS, I like Ashton... maybe Michael because he's such a cutie! And I love Jesy!

Leo: *squeals* I love Louis Tomlinson! Luke Hemmings! And Perrie Edwards! I love all of them but I have soft sides for those people!!

Virgo: Liam Payne is yes! I don't really like anyone from 5SOS but I do like their songs. And I love Jade!

Libra: Harry Edwards Styles is the sexiest and hottest man to be walking on Earth! But they are all hot and sexy too but Harry... oh god Harry. I don't really like 5SOS but I do like their members but not their songs. Sorry, it's not my type. I love Perrie and her low voice!

Scorpio: I don't know... I like Niall? Louis? Harry? Liam? Because it changes, okay? I love Michael, he looks badass! And Perrie... cause she looks like a strong girl and plus the strong voice she has!

Sagittarius: I love Louis Tomlinson! But I do had that phase when I once liked Liam but... eh. 5SOS, I like all of them! Their music, their personalities, and their looks. I also like Jesy, she's my bae.

Aquarius: Harry. Edward. Styles. He's a god! He's kind, generous, humble, funny, fun, sexy, hot, cute... *sigh* I could go all day! In 5SOS, I don't really like or know them that much but I have nothing against them! And Little Mix is the queens. I don't have a favorite but I kinda look at Jade, Perrie, Jesy, and Leigh-Anne more :) Anyway, back to watching Larry videos....

Pisces: Like Scorpio, I kinda like all of them... maybe. I love Ashton and Luke so much, they are kings. For Little Mix, Perrie is totally my queen. She's gorgeous and sings awfully good!

Gemini: Funny how all of the air signs like Harry <3

Aquarius: Proud to say is, Harry Styles is an Aquarian!

Libra: What?!

Aquarius: Yep.

Libra: At least he's an air sign

Aries: Why are we not talking about Louis being the cutest kitty cat?!

Leo: I know right!

Sagittarius: Okay people, why are we only talking about 4 gay boys?

Capricorn: You make it sound like being gay is a crime -_-

Aquarius: Sister, why are you so rude?

Sagittarius: Uh, cause I want to?

Aquarius: That's not a proper explanation to be a homophobe.

Cancer: You should love who you love!

Aquarius: Cause' there's no other way ;)

Taurus: Am I the only one thinking that Aqua is referring to a song?

Pisces: No

s-haz-them: That's only for tod-

Aquarius: Wait! I have one more question!

s-haz-them: fine. Go ahead

Aquarius: Carrots, Rolex watches, or Lamborghinis?

s-haz-them: carrots

Capricorn: CARROTS!

:) Hello people! Good news: my finals ended! Yay :D

Comment down below wether you like me writing preferences from 1D, Little Mix, 5SOS, PJ, HP, and Jaspar? Cause I think I'm just annoying you guys :(

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