Signs as type of persons

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Aries: The easily mad one

Taurus: The always hungry one

Gemini: The one that never stops talking

Cancer: The one that whines a lot

Leo: The one who goes out every night

Virgo: The one that can never put their book down

Libra: The one that has a boyfriend/girlfriend immediately

Scorpio: The one who wants to kill every person in the room

Sagittarius: The one who travels a lot

Capricorn: The one that works very hard and is very successful in the future

Aquarius: The chill laid back one and spends their life in their bed

Pisces: The one who's addicted to anime and watches all episodes in one night

If I offended you, I'm very sorry. I know some of you are different but these are just the typical ones, the ones you see everywhere.... so yeah. But it's very accurate for me though.

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