Friday The 13th ~Sagittarius x Scorpio

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Requested by: @Lovely1454

Sagittarius' POV

The night breeze is utterly calming me. I stuffed my hands inside my jacket even more since it was also getting me cold. It was a very dark night, no one was outside and it was uneasily quiet.

The date today is Friday the thirteenth. I heard that there was a horror movie about this day but I don't believe in that crap. That's just in the movie, nothing else and nothing more.

The moon is also full and there were no clouds visible. The park looks creepy a little bit, I'll give that a point, but it's normal. Still, I'm getting scared now.

I fished my phone out from my jean pocket and dialed Scorpio's number. After three rings, he answered.

"Hey Sag, something wrong?" Ah. His voice easily calmed me, just like the night breeze. Mysterious and stern but calming.

"Uh, nothing actually. Could you like, uh, pick me up? I'm kinda lost, so." I said. I lost track where I was going a couple of seconds ago and now I'm standing at the middle of nowhere.

"Sure Sag, where are you?"

Yeah, where am I? I looked at the street I was standing at.

Woodstones Street

Oh, shit.

I looked around my surroundings once again. And now I see why children don't go to this street anymore.

The streetlights behind me started flickered dangerously and one by one, it bursted into flames. I could here the shouts of Scorpio at the other side of the phone and I decided to run.


I gripped my phone tighter and ran as fast as I can. "WOODSTONES STREET!" I shouted, hopefully Scorpio heard me.


I ran faster and saw the headlights of a familiar car approaching. Scorpio. His black Range Rover stopped right in front of me and I got in. I looked back on what was chasing me and gasped in shock. Shadows?

I turned back to Scorpio and suddenly, a pair of lips crashed into mine.

"Don't you ever go to that street again, okay babe?"

I felt my cheeks heat up and nodded, "Thanks Scorp. So, uh, you wanna hang out tomorrow?" Normally it's the boy asking but no, girls are allowed to ask too.

Scorpio smiled, "Of course."

It's kinda cliche (it's very cliche actually) but I ran out of ideas! Hopefully you liked it anyway and the grammar sucks. Love you xx

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