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Teacher: There are four types of poem (pronounced it as poing)

Pisces (seatmate): *makes fun of it*

Teacher: *changes how she pronounces it*

Pisces: Hey Aqua, when she said poing, she changed it to poem because of me

Aquarius: Lol


Virgo: I want a donut and a hotdog. You know, so that I could connect them ;)

Aquarius: And poke the hotdog through the donut.

Virgo: *laughs* So GM!

Aquarius: Then the donut will not be a virgin anymore!


Aries: *dances weirdly while standing in front of everyone in class*

Pisces: *laughs at him* *starts doing their own dance they created*

Teacher: ....

Everyone: *tries not to laugh*

-my classmates Wow, my classmates are such weirdos. I LOVE MY CLASS!

Aries (girl): My name is unicorn

Scorpio: Oh my gosh, Pisces! She's a unicorn!

Pisces: Oh. My. Gosh.

Aries: I mean the emoji!

Scorpio and Pisces: *disappointed look*

-a conversation I over heard during Art Class

Sagittarius: Look at (insert name) drawing!

Aqua: *gapes at the drawing* *looks at hers* Mine is so ugly!

Sagittarius: No! It's not ugly! *tries hard not to lie and laugh*

Aqua: *laughs at her own work* I'm not good at drawing. I give up. I don't care :P


And that's all I remember...

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