Fandom/Ship Wars

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Aries: Brouis vs Danielle and Louis (i don't even know their ship name)

Taurus: Smilers vs Barbz

Gemini: Swifties vs Directioners

Cancer: Swifties vs Katy Kats

Leo: Directioners vs Beliebers

Virgo: Jelena vs Taylor

Libra: Elouner vs Larry

Scorpio: Phan vs Louise and Dan (have you seen their new video?!)

Sagittarius: Zerrie vs Zigi (Zayn and Gigi, I honestly don't know their ship name)

Capricorn: Beliebers vs Selenators 

Aquarius: Larry vs Narry

Pisces: Mixers vs Harmonizers

Damn. Us, Directioners, have a lot of rivalries. But honestly, we should stop the wars! It's only getting us torn apart and if we need them, they won't be there for us! Please stop the fights and respect their idol and fan bases. And we're very sorry for snapping at you, other fandoms, we just are really protective over our boys and we know you'd do the same if it was your idol. Peace!

Directioners xx

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