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Aries: "Mono No Aware" (the awareness of the transience of all things and the gentle sadness and wistfulness at their passing; enjoying the sadness of the inevitable cycle of life)

Taurus: "Hiraeth" (a homesickness for a place you can never return to, a place which mayve never was; the nostalia, the yearning, the grief of the lost places of your past)

Gemini: "Mamihlapinatapai" (the wordless, yet meaningful look shared by two people who desire to initiate something, but are both reluctant to start)

Cancer: "Saudade" (a deep, nostalgic, and melancholic longing for something or someone, often accompanied with denial that what one longs for will never come back)

Leo: "Habseligkeiten" (few small belongings one finds special, whose values evolve from personal meanings and from the happiness and sentiment of having these certain objects)

Virgo: "Ya'Aburnee" (the declaration of hope that a person or loved one will outlive you as to spare yourself the pain of living life without that person)

Libra: "Kyoka Suigetsu" (something that is visible but cannot be touched; the subtle and profound beauty of poems that cannot be described in words)

Scorpio: "Kintsukuroi" (art of fixing broken pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understand that breakage is a part of the objects history, making it more beautiful with its imperfection)

Sagittarius: "Verschlimmbessern" (to accidentally make something worse by a well-meaning but misguided attempt to make it better; creating a bigger problem from a small one)

Capricorn: "Sehnsucht" (a high degree of intense, recurring, and often painful desire for something, particulary if there's no hope of attaining the specific desire)

Aquarius: "Sisu" (the extraordinary determination in the face of extreme adversity; of the ability to keep fighting after most people would have quit, and to fight with the will to win)

Pisces: "Goya" (a momentary suspension of disbelief that occurs when fantasy is so realistic that it temporarily becomes reality, usually associated with a story very well told)

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