When The Prank Goes Wrong ~Scorpio x Gemini

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[Scorpio's POV]

I secretly watched Gemini as he picked out some books from the shelf, examining them before shrugging and going back to his table. "Are you sure? He seems nice, Cancer." I complained, looking at Sagittarius with guilty eyes. She sighed and held the $20 in front of my face. "Okay! Fine, fine, I'll do the prank!" I rolled my eyes and flicked her off before subtly taking his attention. When it didn't work, I decided to sit beside him and try reading the book he was currently flipping. He jumped when he saw me and abruptly stood up, gaining the attention of the people in the library.

"W-who the hell are y-you?!?" He whispered, his cheeks flushed from the attention. I raised an eyebrow and chuckled a bit, "Well, my name is Scorpio. And you're Gemini," It was now his turn to raise his eyebrow and considering that he was not that popular, I felt my cheeks flush a bit. "Um, I k-know L-Libra and s-she kept o-on t-talking about y-you." I stuttered, great. What's happening?

Luckily, Gemini didn't blush and that's a good thing since I know that he doesn't have a crush on Libra. "Um, nice meeting you Gemini but I really need to go to my house since my dad's friends are coming over." He stood up and was about to leave when I grabbed his wrist, got my pen out, wrote  my number, and winked at him before giving him a signal to call me after. I smirked when I saw his cheeks redden and I high-fived Sagittarius on the way.

But there's a feeling at the bottom of my guts.


It was now Monday morning and Gemini and I chatted all throughout the weekend. I noticed myself blushing even more, getting excited whenever I see him around or hear his voice, staring at him hopelessly, and dreaming about him all the time. I don't know what is happening between us but I could tell that I'm slowly falling for him. I don't want that $20 anymore, I want Gemini.

I immediately spotted Gemini next to his locker and went up to him, smiling when he caught my eyes. I stood next to him and pecked his cheeks, surprising the both of us. "U-um, so how was the w-weekend?" I asked whilst stuttering miserably. He shrugged and replied, "Pretty damn good since I was talking all the day long with the most beautiful girl I have ever met." And he winked at me.

I watched him leaves without a goodbye and I could feel my knees getting weaker, tempting me to fall on my knees and break the prank and tell Gemini that I like him. Yes, Scorpio has a crush on Gemini. I don't know if I should slap Sagittarius or thank her for making the prank.

"Hey Gem!"



I realized that I accidentally zoned out and nearly slapped myself for embarrassing myself. I turned around to see Sagittarius looking at me confusedly, "Gem?" She gave me an uneasy look, "Whats wrong?"

"Nothing." Lie.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Another lie.

"Stop lying Gem and tell me!" She said sternly. I gave her a guilty smile and proudly said, "I don't want to do the prank anymore! Even though I'll get $20, but still! I have a crush in Gemini and I'm taking that as chance." Before she could reply, I ran after Gemini and pulled him towards the janitor closet.

I met his confused eyes and got my hand off his mouth, rubbing my hands together before taking a deep sigh. "Okay Gem, I have something to tell you."

"Scorpio, if this is about the candy I stole—"

"No you idiot! Shut up and listen because you're only getting one chance before I completely give my heart to you." I started. "So, um, last Friday when I sat beside you in the library, Cancer did that. I mean, not that way! She said that if I will get a kiss from you, I'll get $20. I know, I'm stupid but I thought it was a good prank! But then I realized that you were not as bad as people told me you were and I can't help but fall in a deep hole that I can't go back out, it's called love."

Before I knew it, his lips were in mine.

And I immediately kissed back.


Cheesy, I know but I don't have any ideas! Ahhh!

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