Careers for the Midheaven Signs

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What is a Midheaven Sign?

A Midheaven Sign is your 10th house! It relates to your career path, reputation, and social standings!

Aries Midheaven should look for a career in something revolving around self-employment, Literature, and services!
This Includes:
Military, Athlete, Firefighter, Mechanic, Teacher, and a Stunt person!

Taurus Midheaven should look for a career in something revolving around banking, art, music, finance, agriculture, real estate, landscaping, architecture or conservation!
This Includes:
Shop Owner, Baker, Musician, Architect, Florist, and a Beautician!

Gemini Midheaven should look for a career in something revolving around journalism, teaching, the Arts, performance, sales, writing and fashion design!
This Includes:
Author, Realtor, Teacher, Reporter, Salesperson, and an Entertainer!

Cancer Midheaven should look for a career in something revolving around healing, pediatrics, education, or social work!
This Includes:
Veterinarian, Nurse, Teacher, Restaurant Owner, Professional Breeder, and a Health Officer!

Leo Midheaven should look for a career in something revolving around government, sales, acting, management, teaching or business!
This Includes:
Radio Host, Teacher, Officer, Dancer, Director, and an Actor/Actress!

Virgo Midheaven should look for a career in something revolving around science, literary arts, medicine, or teaching!
This Includes:
Librarian, Editor, Journalist, Nurse, Dentist, or a Store Clerk!

Libra Midheaven should look for a career in something revolving around the arts, image consulting, decorating, law, writing, public policy, diplomacy or politics!!
This Includes:
Fashion Designer, Marriage Counselor, Architect, Dancer, or a Cosmetician!

Scorpio Midheaven should look for a career in something revolving around research, criminology, hypnosis, psychology, acting, energy healing, therapy or social science!
This Includes:
Archaeologist, Scientist, Paramedic, Technician, Forensic, or an Analyst!

Sagittarius Midheaven should look for a career in something revolving around politics, religious positions, acting, sales, writing, teaching, agenting, promotion, or fund raising!
This Includes:
Translator, Doctor, Radio Host, Tour Guide, Journalist, and a Traveling Salesman!

Capricorn Midheaven should look for a career in something revolving politics, teaching, finance, engineering, and design!
This Includes:
Governor, Corporate Executive, Comedian, Architect, Inventor, and a Photo Realist!

Aquarius Midheaven should look for a career in something revolving around medicine, social organizations, fund raising, research, finance, astronomy, fashion, engineering, design, art, music, computers and communication!
This Includes:
Scientists, Aerospace Technician, Game Designer, Inventor, Comic Book Writer, and a Musician!

Pisces Midheaven should look for a career in something revolving around music, theater, film, healing arts, or literature!
This Includes:
Actor/Actress, Veterinarian, Dancer, Teacher, Spiritual Counselor, and a Dancer!



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