A Simple Dare ~Gemini x Aries

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Requested by: @reenaisFabulous

[Aries' POV]

"Aries, truth or dare?" Taurus drunkenly asked.

"Dare!" I said, ordering for another drink.

"I dare you to ask Gemini out"


"In front of the whole batch!"


"But! You're not really asking her out, playing her a little!"


I sat inside Music class, wanting for this to end. I don't want to ask Gemini out and probably break her heart since I've been hearing that she has a crush on me for a long time. The bell rang and I glared at Sagittarius one more time before rushing out of the class, hoping to not see Gemini today. But fate happened and I bumped into her.

"Sorry Gem! Not seeing you there..." I gulped and saw Sag smirking at me from the corner of my eye, "Um, hey, do you want to eat with us for lunch?"

I flicked Sag off and nervously chuckled, awaiting for Gemini's answer. She blushed crimson red, which is rather cute, and nodded. Wait, what? Ignoring what I just said, I smiled and grabbed her hand. Nothing shocked me more when I felt electricity rush up my veins, and I guess Gemini felt it too since she squeezed my hand a little.

As we reached the cafeteria, I can't help but feel guilty of what I'm about to do. Sagittarius told me the evil plan and I can't help myself but frown a little.

"What's wrong Aries?" I cringed for half a second before shaking my head, giving her a reassuring smile.which she returned.

We finally arrived in the cafeteria and I walked us towards my usual table, giving Sag a guilty look seeing that he was already there. He quirked his eyebrow up but questioned nothing.

My palms are sweating, my lips are shaking, and I felt like I want to die. I don't want to break Gemini's heart and I'm really excited of asking her to be my girlfriend seeing that I'm falling hard for her, but I also don't want to make it seem like I'm a weakling. But then, which is more important?

I abruptly stood up from my seat and said the words, "Gemini, will you be my girlfriend?" I closed my eyes and awaited for a 'no' since I just talked to her now and asked her out, but she said yes. I smiled and pulled her up, smashing my lips into hers and whispered a 'thank you'.

I looked at Sag, and had to keep my laugh from seeing his confused face. "I revised it, Sag." I said to him.

"You revised what?" Gemini asked, doubting me for a moment.

"I revised our relationship to a better one because I know we're fine together"


Thank you @Larry_Lashton for giving me an idea for this ship story!

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