A Mysterious Stunt: 4

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Sorry for leaving you guys in a cliffhanger last chapter ^_^ Here's part 4 in A Mysterious Stunt story! Enjoy!

Girls: Aries, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces
Boys: Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius

Gemini's POV

[Thursday - 6:58 pm]

I sighed in relief and was about to turn back when I felt a cold object tracing my neck. I closed my eyes shut and accepted the pain but there's none. I opened my eyes to be met with cold black ones.

"Looks like you've found us."

I stumbled back and stared at Scorpio terrified. "S-Scorpio...?" I whispered, looking at Scorpio up and down. He has huge black circles under his eyes, a knife in hand, and bloodstains all over his clothing. I looked at his eyes again and noticed that his brown sincere ones are gone and is now replied with solid cold black ones, I think I've seen these eyes before.

I looked behind Scorpio to see the three cops dead on the floor, Virgo nowhere to be seen. I was about to scream for help when a cold hand muffled my scream. I looked behind me to see Aries glaring down at me. I shook my head, not believing what's happening right now.

They led me inside the basement and turned on the lights. My eyes watered when I saw all of my friends on chairs, their mouths covered in duct tape and their hands and legs tied on the chair using ropes. I looked at all of my friends and began crying, no no no no.

They're all lined up in order: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

I looked around to find Sagittarius leaning on the far corner, his arms crossed, staring at me intently.

What have I done to them?

My eyes met Libra's and teared up even more, seeing her condition. They're all pale, their eyes red, and big black circles around their eyes.

Aries pushed me on a chair beside Taurus' and finally let go of my mouth, tying my hands behind the chair and tying my legs together with the chair's legs.

"What the hell did we ever do to you, you fucking assholes?!" I shouted, trashing around the chair.

Why didn't the cops hear us yet?

Aries grabbed the duct tape from the counter and taped my mouth shut. I glared at the girl and trashed again, only to give up since it's not working at all.

Aries shook her head sadly and stared behind me, tears already forming in her eyes. I looked at who she was staring at, Aquarius. Aquarius didn't look up once but he stared at his lap all the time.

She stood beside Sagittarius and looked down at her shoes, fidgeting with her hands. Sagittarius glared at her and walked towards Scorpio, who was watching us the entire time.

Third Person's POV

[7:46 pm]

Suddenly, Scorpio abruptly fell on the floor. Sagittarius immediately took notice and kneeled beside him while Aries just watched the head of curls.

Scorpio twitched and he suddenly became paler and thinner, and all the signs thought that he's dead. A light beam shoot outwards from Scorpio's body and an outline of a girl becomes visible.

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