Short Story: The signs answer WattPad related questions!

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Aries: I've been assigned to do the intro every short story, okay?

Everyone: ...

Aries: Okay. So this chapter is full of Q&As but WattPad related this time! Comment down below some questions for the next Q&A! So, how will this work? For every question, only one sign can answer it and no more! So, 12 questions and 12 answers it is!

s-haz-them: First question is, who is your favorite WattPad author? And tell me the truth!

Gemini: Can I answer this one?

Cancer: I mean, no one's protesting...

Gemini: ...fine then, sassy Cancer! My favorite author has to be justakiss22 cause she makes the most awesome books ever! And don't get me started with the perfect writing skills! Purely amazayn!

Cancer: ...and there it is. Another preference!

s-haz-them: I see what you did there, Gemini! *wink* Second is, favorite quote from a WattPad book?

Pisces: Ooh! Can I answer this one? I quite like, "I do like you! Gosh... I like you and it's stupid" from Louis' Little Toy by Danistylinson

Capricorn: I haven't read that yet but I pm guessing it's your favorite book, Pi?

Pisces: Well, duh.

Capricorn: Okay then.

s-haz-them: Third question is, how did you find WattPad?

Capricorn: I'm willing to answer this one!

Virgo: But I want too!

s-haz-them: Fine. We could change the rules a little bit and get two answers for this one

Capricorn: So, me first?

Virgo: Okay. I found it because of my friend who keeps on saying that this app is so cool, and all of those stuff!

Capricorn: Virgo, you need hearing aids.

Virgo: No I don't!

Capricorn: Anyway, I found it when I was searching for an article but luckily I found this site that contained the answers, so yeah. Thank you WattPad!

s-haz-them: Fourth question, what is your favorite genre?

Scorpio: Can I answer that one? Yeah. Okay.

Sagittarius: We—

Scorpio: My favorite is romance!

Sagittarius: My favorite is adventure! :P

s-haz-them: Did you guys even read the instructions? Yeah, I guess so -_-

Taurus: And the fifth question...

s-haz-them: And the fifth question is, what is the first archived book?

Taurus: meh. meh. meh.

Aquarius: you. you. you.

Taurus : That's Not My Life Anymore *A Percy Jackson Chaos story* by @watnie247

Aquarius: My Boss (A Larry Stylinson Fan Fiction) by @onedirection23rd

s-haz-them: Yeah, you guys really need yo read the instructions first -_-

Leo: That whale face is annoying me like hell...

Libra: -_-

Leo: *slaps Libra straight on the nose*

Libra: Oww!

s-haz-them: Dear Zodiacs, no violence is allowed. Thank you :)

Libra: Peace and rainbows...?

Leo: Peace and rainbows it is!

s-haz-them: Last question, you four *points at Leo, Libra, Cancer, and Aries* could answer this question. Only.

Aries: What's it?

s-haz-them: What is your favorite book? Honesty. Is. The. Best. Policy.


Libra: I'm sorry but... The Bad Boy Stole My Bra

Scorpio: *smirks*

Libra: *whispers* Cause Scorpio threatened me to say it....

Scorpio: What'd you say? *glares*

Libra: *squeak* nothing.

Aries: In all honesty, I really like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson crossovers...

Leo: And I like.... The Last Virgin Standing

Cancer: And imma like Bad Boy's Game!

Aries: Did I also tell you that I'm going to do the 'bye bye' lines starting now? Right, right. Bye! Bye!

Comment, vote, and follow! (PS: I got some ideas from my Scorpio friend who sadly quitted WattPad)

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