Second Chance

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You watched the other heroes finished off the disgusting alien with the many heads and Tornado trying to bring down the alien spaceship with her psychic powers but you weren't very interested in the fight. 

You looked up and studied the spaceship, worried about Saitama. I should go check on him. You decided and walked over to Genos. You tapped on his shoulder and he turned around to look down at your small figure. "Genos-kun, I'm going up to look for Saitama-san. I'm worried about him." 

With that, you brought your hand out and clawed at your back to reveal oozing red blood. Your blood instantly formed bat wings and with one flap, you're being lifted off the ground and flew straight to the top of the ship before Genos could even asked you to bring him along. 

As soon as your feet gracefully touched the ground, you saw that the fight was already over. Damages were evident everywhere but you saw Saitama's back, he was still standing; clearly unharmed except for some damages on his uniform. Your heart leaped with relieve and flew over to him, wrapping your arms around him tightly. "Saitama-san, you're alive! I was so worried." 

Saitama turned around and gave you a small nod. "It was the best fight I ever had." He said, nonchalantly and looked over your shoulders. You turned to see what he was looking at and saw a rather huge body with it's lower half gone, laying on the floor. Whatever it was, he was still alive but clearly breathing his last breath. 

You walked over to the body to examine it and slowly yet painfully, the alien's head turned to look at you with his lifeless eye. Without saying anything, you pricked your palm with your fingernail and let your blood flowed out. You thought that since this guy gave your crush, Saitama, a good fight; he deserves a second chance. Moreover, you heard the depression in his tone when he talked to Saitama earlier and you kinda pitied him. 

"What...are you...doing...human?" The alien groaned, eyeing your dripping blood. 

"Do you want to live or do you want to die?" Was all you could say as you gave him a cold look. 

Before the alien could talk, Saitama called out to you. "Oi, [Y/N]! I'm going to get out of here! You coming?" 

You turned swiftly to look at your crush, a sweet smile on your lips. "You go on ahead, Saitama-san! I will be right behind you!" 

Saitama nodded his bold head and kicked the ground with ease to make a hole so he could go through. When he was out of sight, you turned back to the alien. "Your answer?" Your voice was cold again as you spoke. 

The alien sighed, "Saitama has already gave me the stimulation that I was looking for, there's no other stimulation that could beat that. There is no reason to keep on living." 

You thought of what he said and thought of Saitama, who was looking for the exact stimulation that the alien was talking about. "Keep living, alien. I'm sure you'll find the same heart racing fights if you join the Hero Association." And so, with your control, your blood started to take a life of it's own and flew into the alien's mouth. 

"It's...not possible...for me to...regenerate. My already..-" The alien stopped talking, amazed to feel the energy coming back to his body and slowly, his body started to regenerate. When you were about done, the spaceship suddenly lost control and you found yourself being lifted off into the air as the spaceship completely crashed onto the ground.   

You weren't ready to create new wings on your healed back and you shut your eyes, preparing for impact but it never came. All you felt were a pair of big arms holding you in bridal style and you opened your eyes to see the regenerated alien. 

To your surprised, he looked rather handsome to you as he looked at you with his big blue eye. "P-please put me down!" You yelped at the alien in embarrassment and the alien did as you said. 

"Thank you. Thank you for giving me a second chance." The alien said. 

You dusted off the invisible debris off your red dress and looked up at him, smiling a little. He must be at least 7 feet tall! But knowing that Saitama-san had defeated him, I really have a crush on the best hero ever!

"You're welcome." You said. Then, your expression grew threatening. "But if you ever were to hurt Saitama-san again or do anything to harm anyone, I will kill you. My blood is in your body so that means that I can kill you in an instant."

The alien narrowed his eye at you but nodded. Never had he seen such a small threatening-looking human girl with such eye-opening abilities. He felt a spark ran through his heart as he looked at you and he surprised himself, thinking that there was another type of stimulation that he never knew of. "I owe my life to you, human. My name is Boros." He said, kneeling on one knee before you as he bowed his head low with respect. 

You gave him a funny smile, "My name is [Y/N] and please don't kneel like that anymore."

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